Remarks by President Peres at official farewell ceremony to Pope Benedict XVI

Remarks by President Peres at official farewell ceremony to Pope Benedict XVI

    Your journey to the Holy Land was a profound demonstration of the enduring dialogue between the Jewish people and the hundreds of millions of Christian believers throughout the world.

    Remarks by the President of Israel Shimon Peres at the official farewell ceremony to His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
    Ben Gurion International Airport

    Your Holiness,
    Prime Minister,
    Today we have come to bid you Shalom and farewell.

    We were delighted with your decision to come to the Holy Land. Your journey to the Holy Land was a heartfelt example of the exercise of spiritual values. It constituted a significant contribution to the new relations between the Vatican and Jerusalem. It was a profound demonstration of the enduring dialogue between the Jewish people and the hundreds of millions of Christian believers throughout the world.

    Your statements during the journey here, carried a substantive weight. In particular your declaration that the Holocaust, the Shoa, must not be forgotten nor denied. And that anti-Semitism and discrimination ,in any form, and in any place, must be fought intensively. It touched our hearts and minds.

    Your Holiness,

    We believe that aside from your pilgrimage, your prayers and the silent sacred moments which were the focal points of your visit, You personally enhanced your visit with an additional spiritual dimension by inspiring peace and elevating hope and understanding.
    I hope that your visit enabled you and your delegation to experience the traits of our land: Its beauty. Its vitality. Its sons and daughters. The infinite energy of its people.

    But above all, the sincere aspiration for peace, shared by all Israelis. Peace with our neighbors. Peace with distant enemies. Peace for all.

    The monotheistic faith has shattered many idols and rituals. It put its trust in one Almighty God, who bequeathed us with the  message of equality. Stating that every human being was created in His image.

    Monotheistic faiths comprise various religions, most of which distinguish between church and state. But, alas, nowadays vile fanatic are emerging and are attempting to impose an alternative interpretation of the will of God.  We believe that God yearns for life and respects life; their distorted image of God is that He permits and even encourages murder, terror and violence.
    The enlightened community seeks inter-faith dialogue, an understanding between religions and states, a guarantee that all people will be able to serve the God of peace and friendship. To worship with freedom and security, thanking the Divine Creator for enriching their hearts with goodness and compassion and with hopes and dreams.

    This is the God that guards Jerusalem. This is the faith to be instilled in the hearts of all believers.

    Today's political and spiritual leaders face a profound challenge: how to divorce religion from terror. How to prevent terrorists from hijacking the religious conscience by cloaking an act of terrorism in the false guise of a religious mission.

    Your Holiness, I believe that your great spiritual leadership can influence a spirit of godliness in man, can help people to recognize that God is not in the hearts of terrorists.

    This is an historic mission which resides in your great ability to inspire others. We are deeply appreciative of your visit, knowing and valuing your efforts to build bridges of mutual respect between people and nations.

    The world and the Jewish people have followed your footsteps in our land with great interest and respect. Your description of this journey as a pilgrimage of peace was moving. We are certain that you will continue with your mission of peace and reconciliation upon you return to the Vatican.

    Your quest for peace and security between us and our neighbors and around the globe addresses a vital need. It promises: Life without fears. Life without tears.

    Your Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, words can not really express what we feel. All we can say is a simple thank you. You came in peace you go in peace, and to you we say Shalom.

    In the words of prophet Isaiah: "For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace." (Isaiah, 55:12)

    Have a safe journey.
