Address by Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov at the Western Wall, Jerusalem

Address by Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov at the Western Wall, Jerusalem

    I welcome you to the holy city of Jerusalem, the spiritual center of all nations on earth, and the eternal capital of Israel.

    Your Holiness,

    On behalf of the State of Israel and the government of Israel, I welcome you to the holy city of Jerusalem, the spiritual center of all nations on earth, and the eternal capital of Israel. Hundreds of millions of the faithful around the world uplift their eyes to this very spot; and today, especially, they are closely watching your pilgrimage in the Holy Land, the place where history came into being, where our forefathers and our prophets once lived and breathed.

    We stand here next to the last remnant of the Holy Temple, the Jewish people’s holiest site, which was renowned worldwide in its prime. Over the years, these stones have witnessed harsh wars, as well as yearning, and unwavering aspirations for peace and true fraternity among nations, religions and people.

    Your visit here has historical significance for Jews and Christians everywhere. I believe that the tidings of peace you bring will permeate the hearts of millions of Catholics all over the world.

    Your call to all the faithful to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem carries great significance for us and will help promote the very peace to which you have referred in your speeches here in Israel.

    The past and the present exist simultaneously here in Jerusalem. Its history, filled with events that changed the course of the world, blends with a view towards a future that will be better for us and particularly for our children. We welcome you, and may we all have the privilege of seeing that brotherhood and interfaith dialogue take shape and herald Jerusalem, the city of peace and reconciliation. Peace in Jerusalem will bring peace upon the entire earth. For the millions who arrive in Jerusalem,  their visit becomes a truly spiritual experience. That is the secret of the city’s magic, and I wish Your Holiness a supreme, unforgettable experience, along with a prayer for better days that will be fully granted.

    I wish to close with the words of King David, poet of the Psalms: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Those who love you will prosper."

    On behalf of the Israeli government, I am honored to present Your Holiness with this gift in the spirit of your pilgrimage and in the spirit of peace.

    Thank you.
