YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus: Transcending conflict through song

YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus: Transcending conflict through song

    The YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus, established in 2012, is an ensemble of high school students from East and West Jerusalem. Through music and dialogue, its Palestinian and Israeli singers learn skills of communication and trust.
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    YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus Copyright: Courtesy Micah Hendler, YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus
    The YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus, established in 2012, is an ensemble of high school students from East and West Jerusalem working to attain high levels of collaborative musicianship and empathy for one another. Through music and dialogue, its Palestinian and Israeli singers learn skills of communication and trust. These interactions enable the singers to form friendships and an understanding of those from the other side of their city, and empower them to become forces for peace within their communities, both individually and collectively.

    Musically, the YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus seeks to reflect the values of equality and inclusiveness. As its members come from very different musical traditions, the chorus draws influences from both East and West in its repertoire and musical style, blending Arabic "mawwal" (vocal improvisation) with classical harmonies, singing in Hebrew, Arabic, English in songs from all over the world.

    The choir has 28 members ranging in age from 14-19. Most of the Israeli members of the chorus are girls, while most of the Palestinians are boys, a reflection of the male Arab tradition of vocal improvisation. In Israel, the group has performed and recorded with singer-songwriter David Broza and with Palestinian-Israeli artist Mira Awad. They also recorded a video with American singer and songwriter Sam Tsui, performing Phillip Phillips's hit song "Home". The video depicts the realities of growing up in Jerusalem as Israeli and Palestinian youth and how the YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus is able to create a home for all despite the divisions that surround it.

    The chorus recently returned from a second tour to the U.S., performing "Imagine" in New York's Central Park in honor of the International Day of Peace. As the tour coincided with important dates for the three Abrahamic faiths - Yom Kippur, Eid al Adha, and the visit to the US of Pope Francis - the chorus sang the Sufi chant "Adinu" and joined the St. Jean Baptiste Choir in "The Prayer of St. Francis" at a musical event dedicated to the Jewish high holidays. Watch their rendition of "The Prayer of St. Francis" as performed on The Late Show with Steven Colbert, and "Adinu" sung together with the Yale Glee Club.

    As the young chorus members testify, "You get to know the other side. You get to be together, you get to see what it's like being with kids different than you. The choir is beautiful and we enjoy it because we are Arabs and Jews together at the same time."

    Micah Hendler, the founder and director of the YMCA Jerusalem Youth Chorus, is a graduate of Yale University with degrees in music and international studies. He has spent years exploring the intersection between music and conflict transformation, a journey that started at Seeds of Peace International Camp for Coexistence in Maine. He has helped the Arab boys in the chorus learn Western-style harmony, and his goal for next year is to teach everyone to sing Arabic quartertones.
