Remembering Ethiopian Jews who died en route to Israel 27 May 2014

Remembering Ethiopian Jews who died en route to Israel

    We salute today the Ethiopian aliyah and lower Israel's flags to half-mast to commemorate the heroism of the fallen who embarked on their journey but did not reach their destination.
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    PM Netanyahu at memorial to Ethiopian Jews PM Netanyahu at memorial to Ethiopian Jews Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    In 2007, a special memorial site was inaugurated at the National Commemoration Site on Mount Herzl in memory of the thousands of Ethiopian Jews who set out on the dangerous journey - many on foot - for Israel, and died along the way.

    Following are excerpts from the state memorial ceremony held on May 27, 2014 on Mount Herzl:

    President Shimon Peres: "Here, before this monument in the hills of Jerusalem, we bow our heads in memory of those who undertook the journey from Ethiopia to Israel, who crossed deserts and encountered dangers - and did not reach the promised land. They longed for Zion and were not dismayed by hunger, thirst, disease and cruel thieves...

    The contribution of the Ethiopian immigrants to the people of Israel is spectacularly threaded in the fascinating mosaic of our existence here. We salute today the Ethiopian aliyah and lower Israel's flags to half-mast to commemorate the heroism of the fallen who embarked on their journey but did not reach their destination."

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "Jerusalem Day, which we celebrate today, expresses the realization of the dream of many generations... The wonderful story of the Beta Israel community is the realization of the prophetic vision: 'I will gather you from all the nations' - a Jewish tribe which clung to its identity and the heritage of its forefathers in the heart of Africa, despite difficult conditions, for over 2,000 years, and never ceased to pray, 'Next year in Jerusalem.'

    I also know that the hardships did not disappear even upon your arrival in the land. Some of you are still dealing with absorption pains in the country and, at the same time, are paving a way for the young people who were born here, Ethiopian sabras. I have no doubt that time will work its own. As the years pass, the difficulties will fade and the intolerable and reprehensible displays of racism and discrimination will also disappear. We will fight them together and we will defeat them until nothing remains.

    It is important to me that you know that we are attentive to your feelings, your pain and your aspirations. We are enacting many initiatives to advance Ethiopian Jews, by as much as much as possible, in all aspects of life: Social welfare, housing, education, equal opportunities, concern for your religious leaders, integrating your children in the school system; everybody must learn together, all Israeli children must be together. There is no position in the state that you cannot fill and you are already doing so with great success - in the IDF, the universities, the Knesset, the public sector, the foreign service, everywhere."