International Women's Day at the Israeli Knesset: commission on the status of women and gender

International Women's Day at the Israeli Knesset: commission on the status of women and gender

    Israel has made a significant progress in advancing women's rights and their goals and visions for promoting gender equality in Israel and around the globe.
    Whilst preparing for the International Women’s Day on March 8, the Israeli Knesset set up a special discussion in the Commission on the Status of Women and Gender, on March 7.

    "Give us the opportunities and we will take care of the rest" 
    Participants heard from Israeli MKs who highlighted the progress that Israel has made in advancing women's rights and their goals and visions for promoting gender equality in Israel and around the globe. However, participants noted that the fight for gender equality is not over. 
    "We use this day to focus our attention on the specific needs of women that we have not yet met” noted Aida Touma-Suleiman (Joint Arab List​​), the head of the commission. MK Touma-Suleiman also emphasized the importance of celebrating women beyond International Women’s Day, as women “deserve to celebrate every day, for all of the things that we have accomplished”. 
    Sustainable Development Goals
    The main issue discussed at the committee was Israel’s participation in the United Nations initiative called the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include seventeen goals to help “end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.” 
    The commission emphasized increasing gender equality and reducing inequalities as two of the SDGs that they will tackle in 2017. During the commission, Livia Link, from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) International Organizations Division, stressed the importance of the SDGs in promoting women's rights around the world. "The concept of gender equality has occupied us for many years. However, the SDG’s are an international platform for us to connect to an international agenda. This is very important for the State of Israel."
    The Israel MFA has already begun working closely with local municipalities around the country to create plans that will help Israel succeed in accomplishing the SDGs. 
    Education is the key to gender equality
    The commission also discussed the importance of raising awareness within Israeli society regarding women's rights and gender equality. Anat Livnat, the head of the "Union of Advisors on the Status of Women" highlighted education as a tool to change societal perceptions of women. "We need to incorporate the topic of gender equality within the educational system. I think this is the most important battle, to begin teaching gender equality to children, starting in Kindergarten." 
    Furthermore, MK Tali Ploskov (Kulanu) had an inspiring and hopeful message for women around the globe, saying "I came to Israel from the Soviet Union in 1991 with 10 dollars in my pocket. If I can become a member of Knesset, and the mayor of a city, it means that any woman can. Just believe in yourself". 