Children’s book written by Israeli diplomat translated into Arabic 1 May 2014

Israeli diplomat's children’s book - into Arabic

    A children’s book written by Israeli diplomat Dan Oryan in Hebrew and translated into several languages has recently been translated into Arabic. Aimed at book lovers in the Arab world, the book will be exhibited at major international book fairs.
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    Front cover of When Father Grows Up in Arabic. Front cover of When Father Grows Up in Arabic. Copyright: Illustration by Pepi Marzel
    Bookstores in Israel have recently begun selling the Arabic translation of a children's book written by Israeli diplomat Dan Oryan during his posting as deputy ambassador to Denmark. Originally published in Hebrew in 2008, the book was later translated into Danish (2010), Serbian (2013) and recently into Arabic as well. The marvelous illustrations in the book were drawn by artist Pepi Marzel.
    Entitled ‘When Father Grows Up’, the book was published in Arabic by the Dar alHuda Publishing House of Kafar Qara. This is the first book authored by an Israeli diplomat ever to have been published in Arabic. Aimed at book lovers in the Arab world, the book will be exhibited at major international book fairs.
    ‘When Father Grows Up’ is written in the format of a father speaking with his son before he goes to bed. The son asks the father if he knew as a child what he wanted to do when he grew up, and the father tells of the many ideas he had. While the son finds something positive with each idea, he focuses mainly on the disadvantages of the father's proposals. For example, when the father dreamed of being the world gymnastic champion, the son responds rather sarcastically that it could have been great, because then he would have a gold medal to put on. On the other hand, the world gymnastic champion has to train all the time, leaving him no time at all to play with his son. Examples pile up: firefighter, school principal, ice cream truck driver and even anchor on the evening news. After discussing the pros and cons of various professions, they finally agree on the best possible profession ever - a salesman in a candy store. As the child yawns, the father says there was actually one thing he would rather do more than anything else in the world - to be his father.

    Author Dan Oryan. Photo: Hessa Frold 
    ‘When Father Grows Up’ was translated into Arabic by Naim Areide, director of the Maghar International Poetry Festival and a respected literary scholar in his own right. He was appointed Israel’s ambassador to Norway two years ago by Minister of Foreign Affairs Avigdor Liberman.
    Many children’s books by Israeli authors have been translated into Arabic. They are very popular among Israeli Arabs and have been exhibited at book fairs around the world.  Some of the popular titles include ‘Where is Pluto?’, ‘Five Balloons’, ‘The Boy Who Wouldn't Go to Bed’ and others.
    Dan Oryan was born in Jerusalem, is married and the father of three sons. In his current posting, he serves as head of the MFA's Balkan Department.
