Israel Museum's 'Herod the Great' show

Israel Museum's 'Herod the Great' show

    World's first exhibition on the life and legacy of Herod the Great, a grand builder and megalomaniac who died in 4 BCE.
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    Israel Museum's 'Herod the Great' exhibition Israel Museum's 'Herod the Great' exhibition Copyright: MFA video
    If you want to know what life in the Holy Land looked like 2,000 years ago, step inside Jerusalem's Israel Museum to see the world's first exhibition on the life and times of King Herod, who built nearly 20 palaces and grand edifices including the Second Temple, the Caesarea harbor and Masada.

    While the museum exhibit is now closed, you can still view it virtually - on-line.

    Silvia Rosenberg, curator of "Herod the Great: The King's Final Journey" says more than 250 archeological finds are included in the display to show that Herod was more than a power-crazy monarch who killed members of his own family during his lifetime from 74-4 BCE.

    Says one visitor: "I could all of a sudden see not just a megalomaniac, but also a person who was a great builder."


    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:02:30