Celebrating musical connections between Tel Aviv and Istanbul March 2016

Celebrating musical connections between Tel Aviv and Istanbul

  •   Sound Ports Festival
    For ages the two cultural capitals of the Middle East, Istanbul and Tel Aviv, were in constant exchange and mutual inspiration. Sound Ports is trying to bring this connection back.
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    Sound Ports Festival - Tel Aviv-Istanbul Sound Ports Festival - Tel Aviv-Istanbul
    The Sound Ports Festival is the celebration of musical connections between the two Mediterranean ports, Tel Aviv and Istanbul taking place on March 9-12, 2015 in Tel Aviv and March 10-13 in Istanbul.

    Istanbul and Tel Aviv - the two cultural capitals of the Middle East, stretched between Asia and Europe in geographical and cultural sense are immersed in music from dusk to dawn. For ages these two cities were in constant exchange and mutual inspiration. Sound Ports is trying to bring this connection back. In a one of its kind cooperation, Istanbul based musical entrepreneurs Ahmetcan Tasdemir and Serhan Lokman and their Tel Avivian counterparts Gil Karniel and Dan Basman joined forces in order to create a meeting point and a cultural dialogue between the artists and people of the two cities.

    During four days in Tel Aviv and four days in Istanbul, a new space will be created for the musical soundscape of these two cities, as the music blends together - from traditional to contemporary, from electronic to instrumental. Groovy psychedelic sounds (Baba Zula and Boom Pam); urban and fresh bands from excluded neighborhoods of Turkey and Israel (Tahribad-ı İsyan and Stormptrap); young female Divas (Noga Erez and Gaye Su Akyol); trip hop and jazz explorers (Buttering Trio and Baris Demirel); electronic and hip hop prodigies as well as Middle Eastern vintage music diggers (Fortuna and Murat Meric) - all these young artists will meet with classics of both countries - Burhan Öçal, Yair Dalal and Cüneyt Sepetçi.

    The Sound Ports Festival takes over the best venues in the two cities and reaches international and local audiences open to new sounds and searching fresh cultural events. The festival will also host lectures, exhibitions and culinary events - all celebrating the diversity and similarity of the Israeli and Turkish cultures: Reading 3, Einav Center, Diego San, Breakfast, Kuli Alma, Shaffa, Rothschild 12, Pasaz, Casino San Remo in Tel Aviv and Babylon, Coop, Kargart, Bantmag in Istanbul.
