Bustan Sephardi: Celebrating a vibrant Spanish legacy

Bustan Sephardi - Celebrating a vibrant Spanish legacy

    ​"Bustan Sephardi" the longest-running show at the National Theater of Israel, recounts the memories of Yitzhak Navon, fifth President of the State of Israel, in Ladino - a language derived from old Spanish, mainly spoken by Sephardic Jews.
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    Bustan Sepharadi Bustan Sepharadi Copyright: MFA video
    "Bustan Sephardi" (Spanish Orchard) is the longest-running show (28 years) at the National Theater of Israel - Habima. 
    This Ladino-speaking play recounts the memories of Yitzhak Navon, the fifth President of the State of Israel​Born in Jerusalem, Navon is a descendant of Spanish Jews who settled in Turkey after the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 and moved to Jerusalem in 1670.

    The play tells the story of the Sephardic neighborhood of Jerusalem, Ohel Moshe, during the 1930s. Through songs and tales, it celebrates the vibrant lives of its residents.

    Ladino is a language derived from old Spanish, and is mainly spoken by Sephardic Jews.


    S​ource: Israel MFA
    Length: 00:02:36