Abu-Gosh Vocal Music Festival - June 2014

Abu-Gosh Vocal Music Festival - June 2014

    Twice a year, the picturesque village of Abu-Gosh in the foothills of Jerusalem becomes a paradise for vocal music lovers, who come in their thousands from all over the country.
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    Kiryat Ye'arim Church in Abu-Gosh Kiryat Ye'arim Church in Abu-Gosh Copyright: Israel Ministry of Tourism
    Twice a year, the churches of Abu-Gosh host a festival of vocal music. The next Abu-Gosh Vocal Music Festival will take place from June 3-7, 2014.

    The Festival's concerts are performed in two churches: the Crusader-Benedictine Church, built in the 12th century, situated in the heart of the village; and the Kiryat Ye'arim Church, situated at the top of the hill, overlooking Abu-Gosh. The opening concert, which will take place in the Kiryat Ye’arim Church is entitled “From Leonard Bernstein to Paul Simon”, but there are also concerts of Bach, Schubert, Mozart, Handel and more.

    The Festival has existed in its present format since 1992, and it takes place twice a year, during the Jewish fall festival of Succot and the summer festival of Shavuot. Vocal music lovers come in their thousands from all over the country to enjoy the music.

    The Arab village of Abu-Gosh is mixed, with both Christian and Muslim inhabitants and is known for its good relations with the State of Israel. It is also known for its world-class hummus, the creamy chickpea paste that's central to Mideast cuisine, served in Abu-Gosh's 15 restaurants, frequented by Israelis especially on Saturdays when most Jewish restaurants are closed for Shabbat. Abu-Gosh held the Guinness Book of Records for the largest plate of hummus before that record was claimed by the Lebanese in May 2010.