Puppet paradise in Holon

Puppet paradise in Holon

    The 14th annual International Puppet Theater & Film Festival recently took place at the Israel Puppet Center in this suburb of Tel Aviv.
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    Holon puppet festival Holon puppet festival
    Holon, a child-friendly suburb of Tel Aviv, is one of Israel's puppetry hubs. Each year since 1997, the Israel Puppet Center there presents the Holon International Puppet Theatre & Film Festival. The festival showcases workshops and shows for children and adults.
    "Our festival offers something for everybody. So that means, for children and for adults," says Ilan Savir, artistic and general director of the center and the festival for the past eight years. The Holon facility also houses a puppetry school and a museum.
    This year, in addition to Israeli groups, the festival included performances by the Figura Puppet Theater from Iceland and the Happy Puppetry Company from Taiwan.
  • <iframe width="495" height="278" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XwekAFTyZjY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    Source: Israel MFA
    Length: 00:03:06
    Israel Experience