Nike Night Run lights up Tel Aviv

Nike Night Run lights up Tel Aviv

    Traffic-free urban run is a dream come true for 25,000 after-hours joggers in Israel's city that never sleeps.
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    Nike Night Run lights up Tel Aviv Nike Night Run lights up Tel Aviv Copyright: MFA video
    It was like a giant block party combined with a marathon: Tel Aviv's Nike Night Run, a 10k event that attracted about 25,000 joggers setting off from Rabin Square.

    Watch Mayor Ron Huldai greet participants in the evening run, which proceeded unhampered by the city's usually busy street traffic.

    "It's a really laid-back race," says one runner. "There's no feeling you need to compete with other people; you're really just doing this for fun and to be with your friends."
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    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:02:04