Nazareth - History, holiness & culture in Israel's Galilee

Nazareth - History, holiness & culture in Israel's Galilee

    The biggest Arab city in Israel, Nazareth is popular with Christian pilgrims and also is a cultural center and a commercial center.
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    Nazareth - History, holiness & culture in Israel's Galilee Nazareth - History, holiness & culture in Israel's Galilee Copyright: MFA video
    Tourists from across the world are discovering today's Nazareth, the Galilee city that is "famous for being the playground of the young boy Jesus," according to tour guide Ofer Drori.

    In addition to history and holiness, Nazareth beckons visitors with good weather and good restaurants. It’s also a model of coexistence. As the largest Arab city in Israel, Nazareth is home to Christians, Muslims and Jews.

    Music by Dexter Britain/Creative Commons

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    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:01:43