It’s not Yasgur’s Farm, but it’ll do

It’s not Yasgur’s Farm, but it’ll do

    Jerusalem’s Woodstock Revival show has become a must-see for Anglo immigrants of a certain age – and many of their kids, too.
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    Jerusalem’s Woodstock Revival show is a must-see for Anglo immigrants of a certain age. Jerusalem’s Woodstock Revival show is a must-see for Anglo immigrants of a certain age.
    The first Jerusalem Woodstock Revival was held in 2009, on the 40th anniversary of that notorious rock festival on Yasgur’s Farm in upstate New York. The third annual show took place in July, on the Astroturf of Kraft Stadium in Jerusalem. A motley crew of old and young came to hear Israeli musicians play songs of most of the legends who appeared on stage in August 1969.
    “I got in my ’66 Pontiac LeMans, rolled down the windows, and I drove up,” reminisces concertgoer Ira Feldman, adding that his stimulant of choice these days is espresso rather than marijuana.
    “Everybody’s, like, dressed in hippie clothes, and it’s, like, we’re leaving our troubles at the door,” says Nadia Levene, one of the original organizers.
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    Source: MFA
    Length: 3:20
    Israel Experience