Jerusalem's market comes to life at night

Jerusalem's market comes to life at night

    One night every year in mid-winter, fun-seekers and cultural mavens make a special trip downtown to Machane Yehuda, Jerusalem’s main outdoor market.
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    Jerusalem's market comes to life at night Jerusalem's market comes to life at night Copyright: MFA video
    One night every year in mid-winter, Machane Yehuda, Jerusalem's main outdoor market, changes its face. The lanes between the vegetable stands, restaurants and bakeries fill up with diverse crowds: fun-seekers and cultural mavens who have made a special trip downtown and surprised shoppers who serendipitously were in the right place at the right time.

    This year, the 18 unique cultural events included the Holy Lindy Land swing school giving retro dance lessons (fun not only for participants but for spectators as well). The Prizma Ensemble explored questions of identity, movement and touch in the public space in their eye-catching colorful costumes. DJ Ori Bankhalter mixed the sound experience for three hours. Legendary Spanish guitarist Jose Carrillo El Fyty led a flamenco celebration. Several events made use of the market's rooftops, including a shadow theater production of Maurice Sendak's classic "Where the Wild Things Are" and a public dialogue between man and God.

    In the cold nights of winter, the "Shaon Horef" (Winter Clock) series of events brings together artists and audiences for fun and free cultural events, at the initiative of the Jerusalem Municipality’s Youth Authority.

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    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:03:39