Jerusalem-The heart of Jewish life and history 3 May 2018

Jerusalem - The beating heart of Jewish life and history

    Watch history come alive as you visit these seven major archaeological discoveries in Jerusalem.
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    Seal impression of King Hezekiah unearthed in the Ophel excavations Seal impression of King Hezekiah unearthed in the Ophel excavations Copyright: Courtesy of Dr. Eilat Mazar; Photo by Ouria Tadmor
    ​From biblical times to the modern era, Jerusalem has been the heart of Jewish life and history.

    Now you can watch this history come alive as you visit these seven major archaeological discoveries:

    • King Hezekiah’s seal
    • A papyrus bearing the earliest reference to Jerusalem
    • Evidence of Jerusalem’s destruction by the Babylonians
    • A Jewish ritual bath from the Second Temple period
    • A 2,700 year old Governor of Jerusalem seal
    • Evidence of the Roman conquest of the city
    • Second Temple-period floor tiles
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