From Field to Fork

From Field to Fork

  •   Produce from the land of Israel provides great Israeli cuisine
    From grapes to wheat, from olives to milk, food items originating in the farms of Israel guarantee a healthy and very yummy experience once they reach your forks.
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    From Field to Fork From Field to Fork Copyright: MFA video
    Thousands of years ago, the land of Israel was celebrated for its extraordinary fertility. The Bible describes the bounty in unimaginable proportions: one cluster of grapes so massive that two men had to shoulder it on a pole! Talmudic sages describe walking through rivers of (fig) honey.

    Today's agricultural abundance echoes biblical descriptions. The land is blessed not only with the original seven species (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates) but also with novel crops resulting from world-respected scientific research and cutting-edge technologies. Special care is given to worker and animal welfare as well as to top-level quality controls.

    Israeli agricultural know-how and methods have transformed the country's most arid regions into plentiful breadbaskets, providing a profusion of produce for Israel and for markets in Europe and beyond. World-class wines are bottled from renewed ancient vineyards and state-of-the-art wineries. Special care is given to worker and animal welfare as well as to top-level quality controls.

    Not only does Israel export its oranges, tomatoes, peppers and fresh herbs, it also shares its expertise: every new Israeli advance - from drip irrigation to drought-resistant seeds, dairy herd management to desert aquaculture - has always been shared with farmers in other countries to help meet the challenge of feeding a hungry planet while conserving precious natural resources. Organic farming supplies a growing market, and home-grown methods of natural pest control are used and exported.

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    Source: Israel MFA

    Length: 00:02:35