Christians gather in Jerusalem for Holy Week

Christians gather in Jerusalem for Holy Week

    Pilgrims came from many different countries to carry crucifixes along the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.

    Holy Week in Jerusalem's Old City is full of unforgettable sights and activities. But maybe the most emotional day is Good Friday, when Christians of all denominations, from around the world, carry the cross. They stop at the 14 Stations of the Cross, commemorating Jesus' last day. Pilgrims from places including Serbia, Egypt, Greece, Montenegro, Nigeria, Georgia, Bulgaria, Russia, Ethiopia and India all gathered here for the Holy Week festivities recently.

    The procession included Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox (Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Eritrean, Syriac and Indian) believers in addition to Roman Catholics. All joined together as they stopped at the stations, ending at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Pilgrims came from many different countries to carry crucifixes along the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday.

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    Source: Israel MFA
    Length: 00:03:38