Archaeological Excavations in Israel 2013

Archaeological Excavations in Israel 2013

    The excavation details below been published by the archaeologists in charge of the individual expeditions.


    This list of archaeological expeditions which accept volunteers is compiled by the Israel Foreign Ministry as a service to the public, and is not an endorsement of any of the projects listed. The excavation details below been published by the archaeologists in charge of the individual expeditions, who bear responsibility for their contents.

    NOTE: Any questions, comments or requests for additional information must be directed to the contact person indicated for each project, and not to the Israel Foreign Ministry.


    Many archaeologists enlist volunteer help on their digs, as volunteers are highly motivated and wish to learn and gain experience, although the work is often difficult and tedious. Usually, no previous experience is necessary. The work includes digging, shovelling, hauling baskets of earth and sherds, cleaning pottery sherds and more. Volunteers are responsible for their own travel arrangements to and from Israel.


    Accommodations for volunteers can range from sleeping bags in the field, to rooms in hostels or kibbutzim, to 3-star hotels near a site. Each expedition has its own accommodation arrangements.

    There is usually a charge for food and lodging, although on some excavations these are free. All charges listed are in US dollars. Volunteers who require kosher food should inquire in advance. Excavations conducted in or near a city often require volunteers to find their own accommodations.


    Volunteers should have comfortable, sturdy clothes for heavy work. Sunhats are absolutely compulsory in summer; warm clothing is suggested for summer evenings as the weather can be cool. Winters are wet and cold; warm clothes and water-proof boots are necessary.

    Equipment that may be useful - depending on the conditions at the site and the type of accommodation available - includes work-gloves, sleeping bag, canteen, towels and sunscreen lotion.


    The work schedule at an excavation is organized according to the conditions at the site. A day on an average dig begins before dawn and ends after noon. There is normally a rest period after lunch. The afternoons and early evenings may be devoted to lectures, additional excavation work, cleaning and sorting of pottery and other finds, or they may be free.


    Some expeditions offer credit courses from sponsoring institutions. Details concering subjects, conditions and cost may be obtained by contacting the expedition director.


    Most expedition directors (or other staff members) offer informal lectures covering the history and archaeology of the site and discussion of the type of work involved. Volunteers should feel free to request information regarding an excavation in order to be able to appreciate all aspects of the work.


    Recreational facilities (swimming pools, beaches and sporting grounds) may be available, depending on the location of the site. Most expeditions organize sightseeing and field trips to sites in the area and to neighboring museums.


    In most cases, volunteers must arrange for medical and accident insurance in advance. Even in instances when accident insurance is provided, it is strongly advised that volunteers come fully insured as the insurance offered is minimal.


    When applying to the director of an excavation you should indicate any previous studies you may have in archaeology or related fields, such as anthropology, architecture, geography, surveying, graphic arts; or experience in excavation work, pottery restoration or photography.

    For registration, please contact the persons listed in the individual entries. Please note that a registration fee is often required.

    Note: Israel Ministry of Interior regulations require that passports of all volunteers (other than Israeli) be stamped with a volunteer visa (B4). This request should be made by the volunteer at the point of entry into Israel.


    (Listed by starting date)

    This is a preliminary list. Additional digs will be added as the information becomes available.

    Ein Gedi Jan 6-31
    Tel Burna April 21-25; June 2-21
    Shikhin/Asochis TBA
    Khirbet el-Maqatir May 19 - June 1
    Bethsaida May 19 - June 29
    Tel Megiddo East May 25 - July 5
    Gezer Water System Expedition May 26 - June 14
    Ashkelon June 8 - July 20
    Khirbet Qeiyafa June 23 - July 19
    Tel Kabri June 23 - August 1
    Tel Akko June 29 - July 27
    Hippos (Sussita) June 30 - July 25
    Tel Dor
    July 2 - August 9
    July 22 - August 16
    Tiberias Sept 22 – Oct 18
    Ein Gedi Dec 2-26

    Note: The next excavations at Megiddo and 
    Zeitah will take place in 2014.


    EIN GEDI Ein Gedi is an oasis on the western shore of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, more then 400 m. below sea level. Fresh water springs flow there and have made permanent settlement that lived on irrigation agriculture.
    In January 2013 we intend to finish revealing the largest dwelling house in the village by the synagogue that was partly excavated in the 70's, that might be "Halfi House" whose name is mentioned in the synagogue inscriptions.
    Director: Dr. Gideon Hadas, Kibbutz Ein Gedi. The expedition operates under the auspices of the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 
    Dates: Jan 6-31, 2013
    Accommodation: Ein Gedi youth hostel, 5 people per room.
    Those wishing to set up their own tent will participate in the cost of meals +.
    Accommodation can also be arranged at the Ein Gedi Kibbutz Guest House -,
    Tel: 972-8-6594222; Fax: 972-8-6584328
    The Kibbutz Guest House is some distance from the excavation site and from the evening activities in the youth hostel. Transport is not normally provided.
    Work hours: Fieldwork is conducted from Mondays through Thursdays, from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    Evening lectures and slide shows about the history and archaeology of the area.

    Youth hostel: $360 room and board per 5-day week (Sunday afternoon 14.00, till Friday morning, 10.00)
    Volunteers wishing to remain at the Youth Hostel over the weekend will make arrangements to do so at the Youth Hostel reception desk.
    Those wishing to set up their own tent will participate in the cost of meals. Public showers are available at the Ein Gedi beach.

    Registration fee: $35 (non-refundable). Returning volunteers exempt.
    Minimum participation: One week
    Application deadline: Dec 1, 2012
    Recreation: Touring in Ein Gedi nature reserve, swimming in the Dead Sea, Ein Gedi hot spring spa.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: Dr. Gideon Hadas, Fax 972-8-6584384; E-mail:
    Website: For more information and application form see website
    TEL BURNA Tel Burna is located in the Shephelah region, which served as a border between the kingdoms of Judah and Philistia in the Iron Age. A fertile area that supported agricultural production, the region became known as the breadbasket of the south and is believed by some scholars to be a candidate for Biblical Libnah, a Canaanite town that was conquered by Joshua who allotted it to the tribe of Judah. The first two seasons at Tel Burna began revealing Late Bronze and Iron Age II levels, including the fortifications and a series of silos. They provide the first step in a long-term investigation of the site’s history, particularly stressing its location along the Judean-Philistine border.
    Director: Dr. Itzhaq Shai and Dr. Joe Uziel, Institute of Archaeology, Bar Ilan University
    Dates: April 21-25; June 2-21
    Accommodation: Standard lodgings are 4-6 people per room.
    Cost for volunteers: TBA
    Registration fee: $50 (non-refundable)
    Application and payment deadline: May 1, 2013
    Minimum stay and age: One week.
    Volunteers under the age of 18 must have the consent of their parents/legal guardians.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance, and offer proof of doing so. All participants must be of sound mind and body, enabling participation in an exerting physical activity, in (occasionally adverse) outdoor conditions. Participants are required to undergo a medical examination prior to the excavation and present a medical doctor's authorization.
    Work hours: Volunteers will participate both in excavation (ca. 6AM-1PM) and in post-excavation activities such as pottery washing which will be conducted in the afternoon and evening.FONT>
    Contact: Itzhaq Shai or
    Joe Uziel
    Institute of Archaeology
    Bar Ilan University
    Ramat Gan, Israel, 52900
    Telephone: 011-972-544-70-0596, 011-972-526-427-645
    Website: For more information see:
    The hilltop village of Shikhin is located a short walk from Sepphoris, the largest city of Hellensitic Galilee. Referred to as Asochis by the historian Josephus, Shikhin was a wealthy Hellenistic production center closely tied to its larger neighbor. The first season of excavations in 2012 revealed that the kilns at Shikhin were producing most known Galilean pottery forms, including oil lamps, and they were doing so at a volume that suggests they produced a surplus for trading. We will need to return in 2013 and future seasons to clarify what we have begun to uncover.
    Director: Prof. James Riley Strange, Samford University
    Dates: TBA
    Accommodation: Hotel Galilee in Nazareth. Shared rooms (singles available at higher cost) with air conditioning, private baths and WiFi.
    Cost for volunteers: TBA (2012 price: $2500 for four weeks including room and board, in-country transportation and other incidentals.)
    Academic credit: Samford University - Students register for RELG 393 Field Methods in Archaeology, which is offered for four hours of credit. Coursework includes readings, training in the field, lectures three nights a week, and weekend trips to other archaeological sites. (2012 cost: $591)
    Work hours: Volunteers will participate both in excavation (ca. 5AM-1PM) and in post-excavation activities such as pottery reading which will be conducted in the afternoon. Lectures three nights a week.
    Recreation: Two weekend trips to other archaeological sites and places of interest. There is usually one free weekend, on which many students take trips to the beach or other sites that they wish to see, and a final, three-day weekend in Jerusalem as an optional trip.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance, and offer proof of doing so. All participants must be of sound mind and body, enabling participation in an exerting physical activity, in (occasionally adverse) outdoor conditions. Participants are required to undergo a medical examination prior to the excavation and present a medical doctor's authorization.
    Contact: Prof. James Riley Strange
    Department of Religion
    Howard College of Arts and Sciences
    Samford University
    Birmingham, AL 35229
    Phone: (205)726-4543 (office)
    Website: For more information see: website
    KHIRBET EL-MAQATIR The location of the city of Ai mentioned in Joshua 7-8 has long been a matter of mystery and controversy. Excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir have uncovered topography, fortifications and pottery that strongly suggest this site as a candidate for the site of the enigmatic city that the Biblical narrative recounts as having been conquered by Joshua's army.
    Directors: Prof. Bryant G. Wood, University of Toronto, for the Associates for Biblical Research.
    Dates: May 19 - June 1
    Accommodation: Yad Hashmonah
    Cost: The full GROUND ONLY (Saturday May 19 - Saturday June 1) price is $2499 (double occupancy, and meals). Partial trips can be priced on an individual basis.
    Registration fee: $500 deposit
    Minimum participation: None
    Application  deadline: Deadline for signup - March 15, 2013. Final payment in full is due April 15, 2013.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance valid in Israel in advance, and offer proof of doing so.

    Henry B. Smith, Jr.
    Associates for Biblical Research
    P.O. Box 144
    Akron, PA 17501
    Phone: 1-800-430-0008
    Fax: 1-717-859-3393

    Website: For more information and application form see ABR website
    BETHSAIDA Bethsaida, situated on the north Sea of Galilee was founded in the10th century BCE as the capital city of the biblical kingdom of Geshur. During the Time of Jesus Bethsaida served as the birthplace of three Apostles Peter, Andrew and Philip and a place where Jesus performed many miracles, it is one of the most frequently mentioned towns in the New Testament.
    Directors: Prof. Rami Arav, University of Nebraska at Omaha
    Dates: Early Bird: Sunday, May 19 to Saturday, June 1
    Session 1: Sunday, June 2 to Saturday, June 15
    Session 2: Sunday, June 16 to Saturday, June 29
    Accommodation: Nof Ginosar Hotel on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee or the more modest, but still comfortable, Hakuk Balev. When you choose a dig session, the excavations coordinator will tell you which accommodations are available.
    Cost: $603-1,212 per week according to type (dorm, triple, double, single)
    Registration fee: $200 deposit (refundable until April 2, 2013)
    Minimum participation: One week
    Work days:

    5:30am - 12:30 pm: Fieldwork
    4:30 pm - 6:30 pm: Lab work and pottery
    8:00pm - 9:00pmL Lecture

    Recreation: Kibbutz Ginosar is located right on the Sea of Galilee, and there is also a swimming pool on the kibbutz. Weekend tours are arranged throughout the season (for an additional charge).
    Insurance: All participants must have health insurance that covers international travel to Israel. Volunteers are encouraged to seek additional traveler's and flight insurance.

    Kristy Leahy Pape, Excavations Coordinator

    Website: For more information and application form see:
    TEL MEGIDDO EAST In 2010, the Jezreel Valley Regional Project began exploring the vast Early Bronze Age settlement known as Tel Megiddo East. The acropolis of Tel Megiddo is currently under excavation by the Megiddo Expedition, and surveys indicated that a large contemporaneous settlement lies across the modern highway from the remarkable remains of the 5,000-year-old Megiddo temple. In 2011, the JVRP began full-scale excavations of the Early Bronze city, revealing houses, grain storage facilities, and large terrace walls supporting major structures contemporary with the Great Temple. The 2013 Season is planned as the JVRP's largest and final season at Tel Megiddo East, in which we hope to expose a large portion of the City of the Great Temple Builders and explore areas that have never been investigated before.
    Director: Dr. Matthew J. Adams, Bucknell University, Classics Department
    Dates: May 25 - July 5
    Accommodation: Mul HaCarmel, a bed-and-breakfast at centrally located Kibbutz Ramat HaShofet.
    Cost: 3 week volunteer: May 25 - June 14 $1700 (Early Bird: $1600; pay in full by Feb 1, 2013)
    6 week volunteer: May 25 - July 5 $2500 (Early Bird: $2350; pay in full by Feb 1, 2013)
    Rates subject to adjustment if there is a significant change in the shekel/dollar rate.
    Registration fee: $100 non-refundable deposit
    Minimum participation: Participants may come for shorter periods, particularly the first 3 weeks, during which a bulk of the educational program will take place. Interested in working with us but can't stay for the full time? Contact us for rates based on your schedule:
    Work hours: Excavation - 5:00-13:00; Processing work at kibbutz - 16:00-18:00. Special programming (eg, lectures) - 18:00-19:00
    Workdays: Sunday through Thursday
    Academic credit: Participants can earn academic credit for the program from the University of Hawai'i. Credit course consists of Lecture Presentations, Field & Lab Tutorials, and Field Trips. Credit course requires enrollment as either 3-Week Volunteer (3 credits) or 6-Week Volunteer (6 credits) and enrollment in the Pre-season Tour.
    3 Credits (Archaeological Field Techniques): $600 
    6 Credits (Archaeological Field Techniques): $1200
    For more information see Educational Program
    Recreation: The kibbutz boasts a grocery store, swimming pool, pub, free wi-fi, sports facilities, and BBQ facilities.
    Application deadline: Submit a completed Medical Form, Liability Release Form, and proof of medical insurance by May 1, 2012
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance valid in Israel in advance, and offer proof of doing so.

    Matthew J. Adams, 667 Franklin St.,State College, PA 16803 Email:

    Website: For more information and application form see JVRP website
    GEZER WATER SYSTEM Gezer, one of three cities fortified by Solomon, guards the western entrance of Jerusalem from the coastal plain. Gezer was continuously occupied from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic Period. Excavations will focus on re-opening the ancient water system that was first discovered in the early 1900’s but was not entirely explored. In 2013 we will continue to clear more of the diagonal tunnel, clear the tunnel area between the area of the water source and the bottom steps, and expand the excavation of the cavern with several probes. One of the goals is to try to clarify the dating of the water sytem and its relationship to the contemporary city in antiquity.

    Tsvika Tsuk, Director of Archaeology for Israel Parks Authority
    Drs. Daniel Warner, James Parker, and R. Dennis Cole of NOBTS

    Dates: May 26 - June 14
    Accommodation: Air-conditioned rooms at the Neve Shalom Guest House, with three to four persons per room. All guestrooms have air conditioning, telephone, television, and refrigerator. The dighouse and hotel lobby have wireless availability.
    Cost: $1650 for the 3-week season. The price does not include airfare to and from Israel or weekend study tours. Some space is available for those who cannot stay all 3 weeks, at $600 per week.
    Registration fee: Deposit of $500 is due by March 15
    Academic program and credit:

    6 hours of credit can be obtained through NOBTS for the full 3 week participation in the expedition.  A reduced tuition charge will be assessed by NOBTS for participants in course credit.

    Minimum participation: Preference to volunteers who join the project for the full five weeks of the excavation season. It is possible to arrange for a minimum two week stay upon approval by the project directors.
    Work hours: Monday through Friday: 5:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - excavation. Afternoon - lab work in camp (pottery washing, processing of material culture, etc.), and a lecture.
    Field trips: Weekends field trips at extra cost (Friday p.m.-Sunday) mandatory for those taking academic credit.
    Recreation: Swimming pool. Located midway between Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem, Neve Shalom/ Wahat al-Salam overlooks the Ayalon Valley and the Coastal plain. The village is surrounded by olive groves, pine forests and fields. Within walking distance are the Trappist Monastery of Latrun and the Yitzhak Rabin National Park.
    Minimum participation: Preference for full period, minimum two week stay upon approval by the project directors.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.

    Dr. Dan Warner (, Dr. Dennis Cole, (, or Dr. Tsvika Tsuk (

    Website: For registration details and application form see website.
    ASHKELON From the Canaanite era (2000-1200 B.C.), Ashkelon is the oldest and largest seaport known in Israel. In 2013, we will uncover Ashkelon’s history from the Bronze Age through the Crusades. One area will continue to trace Canaanite courtyards and Philistine houses and another will focus on Hellenistic villas. A new area of excavation will open up near the center of the ancient acropolis.
    Directors: Lawrence E. Stager and Adam J. Aja, Harvard University
    Dates: June 8 - July 20
    Accommodation: Hotel

    To be announced

    Academic program:

    For Harvard College students, this program counts as one full-year course (8 credits) of degree credit. Harvard Summer School courses and credits are accepted toward degrees at most colleges and universities. Students are advised to obtain transfer credit approval from their home institutions before registering. Half season participation is possible but credit is only available for full season participants.
    For more information and application see website.

    Application fee: $50 (nonrefundable)
    Application deadline: January 13, 2013
    Minimum age: Students must be at least 18 years old, have completed at least 1 year of college or be a first-year student, and be in good academic standing to apply.
    Minimum participation: Half season session: June 8-30 or June 30-July 20
    Work hours: Sunday-Friday: Excavation - 5:30-1:00;
    Pottery washing - 4:30-6:30 except on Fridays.
    Recreation: Saturdays free. Hotel is located near the beach, has a swimming pool, tennis court, weight room and sauna.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance valid in Israel in advance, and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: Ashkelon Excavations,, or Sandy North, volunteer coordinator, (617) 495-9385
    Website: For more information and application form see Harvard excavation website or Dig Ashkelon.
    KHIRBET QEIYAFA The archaeological site of Khirbet Qeiyafa is located on the hills that border the Elah Valley on the north. This is a key strategic location in the biblical kingdom of Judah, in the main road from Philistia and the Coastal Plain to Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron in the hill country. In this area one of the world's most famous battles took place, the battle between David and Goliath.

    Prof. Yosef Garfinkel (Hebrew University); Mr. Saar Ganor (Israel Antiquities Authority)

    Dates: June 23 - July 19
    Accommodation: Bet Meir Hostel, 15 minutes drive from Jerusalem and 25 minutes drive to the site. This is an observant Jewish religious village, and driving is forbidden on the Sabbath. The expedition will stay there from Sunday morning to Friday morning. 4 beds in air-conditioned rooms, with adjacent shower/restroom.
    Cost: Lodging expenses (Sunday afternoon through Friday morning) will be assessed upon arrival ($400 per week or $2,000 per season) and will be paid directly to the hostel (credit card preferred). Anyone wishing to stay at the hostel for the weekend must arrange this directly with reception and pay an additional fee (ca $50 per day).
    Registration fee: $50 registration fee, to be sent with the registration form - please make out a check to the Israel Exploration Society.
    Credit courses: 3 or 6 academic credits can be obtained from the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
    The charge is $80 registration fee and $120 per credit. Application form:
    Work hours:

    Sunday: 13:00-20:00
    Monday-Thursday: 5.00-13.00
    Pottery washing and pottery reading daily 16.30-18.00.

    Lectures and trips: From 18.30 to 19.30 (Monday-Thursday) a lecture illustrated by slides on the archaeology of ancient Israel will be given.
    Once a week there will be a tour to nearby archaeological sites, like Tel Jarnuth, Mareshah, Lachish, Gezer, and the Israel Antiquity Authority storage rooms.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: For registration and academic credit inquiries, please contact Prof. Yosef Garfinkel:
    Website: For registration details and application form see website.
    TEL KABRI Located in a quiet rural setting within the western Galilee, a ten minute ride from the historical town of Acco and the modern resort town of Nahariya, the site of Tel Kabri has what may be the earliest-known Western art yet found in the Eastern Mediterranean. A variety of objectives are planned for the 2013 season, including finishing the excavation of the Orthostat Building, investigating the large area to the west of the palace (which may include a courtyard), and exploring the fortifications of the city.

    Assaf Yasur-Landau, Haifa University and Eric H. Cline, George Washington University

    Dates: June 23 - August 1
    Session 1 (3 weeks): 23 June - 11 July 2013
    Session 2 (3 weeks): 14 July - 1 August 2013
    Accommodation: Western Galilee Field School, near Achziv beach, north of Nahariya. Meals provided during work week.
    Cost: Room and Board: $575 per week ($550 for returnees and consortium members)
    Registration fee: $50 non-refundable deposit
    Application deadline: All payments will be due in full by 1 March 2013.
    Credit courses: Credit courses in field archaeology will be offered through the University of Haifa, which should transfer back to US colleges and universities. Estimated cost: $400 per 3 credit course.
    Work hours: Sunday through Thursday: 5:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Work on the finds continues between 4-6 pm in the excavation camp. For those who are enrolled in the field school, several afternoons a week will be dedicated to lectures and practice of field techniques.
    Lectures: A series of lectures during the week will provide training in field archaeology and the interpretation of finds.
    Minimum age: 18
    Minimum participation: 3 weeks
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: Eric H. Cline, Ph.D. - Chair, Department of Classical and Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, George Washington University
    Tel: (202) 994-0316, Fax: (202) 994-2156; Email:
    Website: For registration details and application form see website.

    Located on the Mediterranean Sea and the only natural harbor in the region, the UNESCO World Heritage site of Acre/Akko is the focus of this unique and cutting-edge archaeological field school. Known locally as Tell Napoleon or Tell el-Fukhar, excavations on this ancient mound, situated east of the modern city of Akko, have uncovered remains of Canaanite, “Sea Peoples,” Phoenician, Persian, Greek, and Hellenistic culture. During more recent times, it is famous as the city that withstood Napoleon's two-month siege and marked the end of his campaign to conquer the Middle East. The field school includes beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels of archaeological fieldwork, and science diving training.


    Dr. Ann Killebrew, associate professor of archaeology in the Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, the Jewish Studies Program, and the Department of Anthropology at Penn State.

    Dates: June 29 - July 27
    Cost: The estimated program fee of $6,701 (6 credits) includes tuition as well as the class fee.
    The estimated program fee of $8,804 (9 credits) includes tuition as well as the class fee.

    The program is open to all Penn State students and students from other institutions with a minimum 2.5 grade-point average.

    Academic program: This 6-credit archaeological field school or 6-credit underwater and terrestrial archaeology field school at Tel Akko, with an optional 3-credit independent study option, integrates the multifaceted aspects of twenty-first-century archaeology that combines excavation, survey, geographic information systems (GIS), conservation, heritage studies, public archaeology, archaeological sciences and underwater archaeology/science diving.
    If students are interested in taking an additional 3 credit independent study or internship (July 27 - Aug 6), they may communicate with Dr. Ann Killebrew ( There will be an additional class fee of $850 for room and board and an additional estimated tuition cost of $2,103.
    Registration fee: The $1,000 nonrefundable deposit must be submitted to complete an application. If the student is not accepted, the deposit is refunded. Otherwise, the deposit is applied to the class fee.
    Application deadline: February 1, 2013
    Accommodation: Students participating in the Akko Field School will reside at the Nautical Academy, located in the modern city of Akko on the Mediterranean Sea. The rooms will be dormitory-style, featuring full board accommodations with three to four students per room.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: Regarding program content:
    Dr. Ann E. Killebrew, Pennsylvania State University, 319 Weaver Building, University Park PA 16802, Phone: 814-865-1686, Email:
    Regarding application process:
    Judith Meder, Program Planner, Pennsylvania State University, 240 Outreach Building, University Park PA 16802, Phone: 814-865-4591, Fax: 814-865-3749, Email: 
    Website: For more information see Penn State Global Programs website
    HIPPOS (SUSSITA) Hippos (Sussita), one of two cities of the Decapolis located in Israel, is located on the eastern shore of Tiberias Lake, a short distance from Kibbutz Ein-Gev.
    This season's plans: Excavations of a Roman period Basilica, excavation and preservation of the northeast insula, excavations of the Roman-Byzantine southern bathhouse, and excavations at the living quarters.
    Director: Dr. Michael Eisenberg, University of Haifa
    Dates: June 30 - July 25. The first two weeks and the second two weeks are each considered as a single session; Preference will be given to those applying for the entire season.
    Accommodation: Volunteers will be lodged at the youth hostel and flats at Kibbutz Ein-Gev, 2-4 per room, on the shore of Tiberias Lake. Full board, a/c.
    Cost: 455 Euro per full week (Sun-Sat) or 1612 Euro for the entire season (including weekends). For an extra fee of $150, you can join the field school and gain academic credits (2 per session).
    Registration fee: 80 Euro (nonrefundable) in personal or bank check. Fee will be deducted from total cost of participants.
    Application deadline: April 20, 2013
    Work hours: Excavation (Sunday-Thursday): 05:00-12:00, with additional work assignments and lectures in the afternoon and evenings.
    Recreation: Guided tours; on weekends participants may relax or travel on their own or enjoy on the shore of the Tiberias Lake.
    Minimum age: 16
    Minimum participation: One working week (Sunday-Thursday). Preference will be given to those who apply for the entire season.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: Dr. Michael Eisenberg, Co-Director, Hippos (Sussita) Project, Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa, Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31905, Israel
    Tel. 972-4-8249392; Fax: 972-4-8249876
    Website: For registration details and application form
    TELL AZEKAH The Lautenschl?ger Azekah Expedition is part of the regional Ellah Valley project, which includes a regional survey and excavations of Tell Azekah.
    Director: Prof. Oded Lipschits
    Dates: July 15 - Aug 24
    Accommodation: Nes-Harim guest house - fully air conditioned wooden cabins, 4 per room - full board (Sunday-Friday).
    Cost for volunteers:

    US$465 per week (Sunday afternoon - Friday morning). Includes academic lectures, bus-service, evening tours, afternoon archaeological programs and social activities.

    Payment deadline: May 1, 2012. If you withdraw from the expedition before May 1st, you will receive a full refund less US$100 cancellation fee.
    Academic program:

    Students interested in academic credits can join one or more of the three academic courses:
    - Introduction to Field Archaeology
    - History and Archaeology of the Judean Lowlands
    - Theology Course
    Each course is three credits, $300 per course.

    Work hours:

    Sunday: 13:00 - Complimentary bus leaving from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem central stations
    15:30-19:30 - Short digging session
    Monday-Thursday: Excavation - 5:15-13:00; afternoon sessions and pottery washing - 16:30-19:00 .
    Friday: Excavation - 5:00-10:45.

    Minimum stay: Two weeks
    Recreation: Weekend tours to other parts of Israel (with an additional fee)
    Insurance: Applicants must have medical authorization and health insurance (valid in Israel!) and complete medical form.
    Contact: Project administrator, Omer Sergi, Institute of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University
    Website: For more information and registration package see website

    Tel Dor is a major Canaanite-Phoenician-Hellenistic-Roman port on the Mediterranean coast, located in present day Israel between Tel Aviv and Haifa.
    Our objectives for this season include: Digging the elite section of the settlement, including the investigation of large complex (possibly a palace or administrative building) in the southern part of the Hellenistic city (Area D4) and large Iron Age Israelite public structure (Area D2), and excavating parts of the Early Iron Age Phoenician town in Area D5 on the southern slope of the acropolis, aiming to reach the Bronze Age city, never before exposed at Dor.


    July 2 - August 9, divided into two half seasons: July 2-19; July 21 - August 9

    Directors: Dr. Ilan Sharon, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University; Dr. Ayelet Gilboa, Haifa University
    For the University of Washington: Prof. Sarah Culpepper Stroup
    Accommodation: Kfar Galim Youth Village. Student rooms (three to four per room) feature central air conditioning, weekly cleaning service, and large bathrooms.

    The cost for a full season is $3500; the cost for a half season is $2200.

    Registration deposit: $100
    Work hours: Excavation: 5:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 16:00 - Pottery washing and reading.
    Saturday and Sunday free. Weekend field trips at additional cost.
    Lectures: At 17:00 Monday through Thursday, UW Field School participants attend lectures offered by Israeli, U.S. and international scholars on a variety of topics.
    Hebrew University - afternoon lectures on various aspects of the archaeology, history, and specialized scientific studies of the site and the region.
    Academic credit:

    The University of Washington Tel Dor Field school - Enrollment in the UW Field school brings with it 12 UW credits in Classics 399, NELC (Near Eastern Studies) 399, or Archeology 270. These credits, which are transferable to your home institution, apply only to those enrolling with the UW group.

    The University of Haifa Field school - Consists of 2 parts: Hands-on Archaeology in the Field (3 credits -full season, 2 credits - half-season), and Artifact Processing, Exercises and Lectures/Classes part (3 credits).

    Through the Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Rothberg Field school, in a program administered by Dr. Bloch-Smith, earn 2 credits for a half-season excavation (July 6-July 24) or 4 credits for excavating the full season. 

    Recreation: The tree-filled campus provides a swimming pool and outdoor sports facilities.
    Minimum age: 18
    Minimum participation: Two weeks.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.

    Prof. L.Bloch-Smith (
    Prof. S. Stroup (
    H. Larissa Gerstner (
    Jerusalem office (

    Website and application forms:

    Official website:

    1. Prof. Bloch-Smith's group, focusing on biblical periods and archaeological method and theory. Members of this group may apply for credits at the University of Haifa Fieldschool. Please apply here.
    2. The University of Washington Tel Dor Excavations and Field school.
      Enrollment in the UW Field school brings with it 12 UW credits in Classics 399, NELC (Near Eastern Studies) 399, or Archeology 270. These credits, which are transferable to your home institution, apply only to those enrolling with the UW group. For further information and application, visit the UW Tel Dor website, or contact professor Sarah Stroup at:
    3. Individuals not interested in joining any of the above groups may apply directly to the Dor office in Jerusalem.

    Starting in summer 2013, we are planning to excavate an Iron Age compound (known also as an 'Assyrian enclosure') at the site of Ashdod-Yam (South) (Ashdod on the Sea; Asdudimmu in the neo-Assyrian sources; a part of Azotos Paralios in Byzantine times), which is located on the coast of Israel (within the boundaries of the modern city of Ashdod), ca. 5 km north-west of Tel Ashdod. The fate of Ashdod-Yam was always connected to the capital city of Ashdod (one of the five major Philistine cities during the Iron Age.


    July 22 - August 16

    Directors: Prof. Angelika Berlejung, Leipzig University Institut für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
    Dr. Alexander Fantalkin, Tel Aviv University Institute of Archaeology
    Accommodation: ORT YAMI-ASHDOD Naval officers boarding school. Full board on weekdays, up to 3-4 people in a room.


    Two weeks: US $ 1200; Three weeks (reduced): US $ 1750; Four weeks (reduced): US $ 2300; Five weeks (reduced): US $ 2850

    Registration fee (non-refundable):

    Work days: Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday free.

    Lectures and tours: Academic lectures and workshops; afternoon archaeological programs and social activities, educational tours to archaeological and historical sites and museums in the region.

    Academic credit:

    It is our intention to develop an additional educational program for foreign student​s who will get academic credit hours from Tel Aviv University

    Recreation: Accommodation located within short walking distance of Mediterranean beaches.

    Minimum participation:
    Two consecutive weeks.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.


    Dr. Alexander Fantalkin,, Tel. +972-54-5721866

    Website and application forms:

    Official website:


    Tiberias, on the Sea of Galilee, was founded in 19 CE by King Herod Antipas as the new capital of his kingdom. In spite of the original objection of the Jews of Galilee to settle the new city, named in honour of the Roman emperor Tiberius, it was not long before Tiberias became the Jewish capital of the Galilee. The site on which the current excavation focuses is at the center of the ancient city. Previously excavated structures at this location include a bathhouse complex, an urban mansion, a large colonnaded structure and what has been identified as the foundations for the temple to the emperor Hadrian. In our upcoming season in September-October 2013 we intend to further expose the domestic units to the south of the bathhouse, work at the cardo west of the mosque and excavate to the north of the east-west street, probably dependencies of the Byzantine church.


    September 22 - October 18

    Director: Dr. Katia Cytryn-Silverman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Accommodation: Aviv Hotel. All rooms have private bathroom, TV, air-conditioning and a balcony. Single or double rooms available. Hostel accommodation and camping options also possible.

    Prices range from $170 to $700 per week depending on type of accommodation. Discount for longer stays and students.
    Prices include full room and board from Sunday evening check in through Friday morning check out from the hotel as well as all excavation related activities, field trips and lectures. Do not include accommodations over the weekends (Friday and Saturday nights).

    Registration deposit: $100
    Work hours: Excavation: 5:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. Afternoon activities - lectures, pottery washing and field trips to nearby sites.
    Academic credit:

    Students may arrange to receive academic credits through the Rothberg International School of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem​. The cost is US$80 for the registration fee and US$180 per academic credit paid directly to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. An additional cost of US$60 per academic credit will be paid to the excavation.​ Participants will receive 4 credits for participating during the entire season. Students opting to receive academic credits must fulfill the requirements set by the field school directors (attending all field trips and lectures, tasks in the field and writing of an academic paper relating to the project).

    Minimum age: 18
    Minimum participation: One week (two weeks minimum recommended)
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.

    Sharon Burger, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt Scopus, Jerusalem 91905, Israel.
    Tel: +972-2671759
    Email:  ​

    Website and application forms:

    Official website:

    EIN GEDI Ein Gedi is an oasis on the western shore of the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth, more then 400 m. below sea level. Fresh water springs flow there and have made permanent settlement that lived on irrigation agriculture.
    In December 2013 we intend to finish revealing the "Halfi Son House" attached to the largest dwelling house in the village by the synagogue that might be "Halfi House" whose name is mentioned in the synagogue inscriptions.
    Director: Dr. Gideon Hadas, Kibbutz Ein Gedi. The expedition operates under the auspices of the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 
    Dates: December 2-26
    Accommodation: Ein Gedi youth hostel, 5 people per room.
    Those wishing to set up their own tent will participate in the cost of meals +.
    Accommodation can also be arranged at the Ein Gedi Kibbutz Guest House -,
    Tel: 972-8-6594222; Fax: 972-8-6584328
    The Kibbutz Guest House is some distance from the excavation site and from the evening activities in the youth hostel. Transport is not normally provided.
    Work hours: Fieldwork is conducted from Mondays through Thursdays, from 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    Evening lectures and slide shows about the history and archaeology of the area.

    Youth hostel: $360 room and board per 5-day week (Sunday afternoon 14.00, till Friday morning, 10.00)
    Volunteers wishing to remain at the Youth Hostel over the weekend will make arrangements to do so at the Youth Hostel reception desk.
    Those wishing to set up their own tent will participate in the cost of meals. Public showers are available at the Ein Gedi beach.

    Registration fee: $35 (non-refundable). Returning volunteers exempt.
    Minimum participation: One week
    Application deadline: Nov 1, 2013
    Recreation: Touring in Ein Gedi nature reserve, swimming in the Dead Sea, Ein Gedi hot spring spa.
    Insurance: Volunteers must arrange their own medical and accident insurance in advance and offer proof of doing so.
    Contact: Dr. Gideon Hadas, Fax 972-8-6584384; E-mail:
    Website: For more information and application form see website



    Israel Antiquities Authority

    The Israel Antiquities Authority's Department of Education and Information is responsible for educational programs in archaeology and heritage preservation. The department runs three centers for archaeology, offering tours, workshops, activities, enrichment courses and opportunities to participate in excavations.

    For information on volunteer opportunities available at the IAA, contact Mrs. Meyrav Shay, tel. 972-2-6204679, 972-52-4284408.

    Volunteers from abroad should also prepare a photocopy of their insurance policy. 

    Download IAA volunteer form

