Israel celebra o 50 aniversario de Jerusalem

Israel celebra o 50 aniversário de Jerusalém

    Comemorando o 50º aniversário da sua reunificação, Jerusalém - uma combinação única de secular e sagrado, esquerda e direita, moderna e antiga - é uma cidade florescente e próspera na educação, hi-tech, cultura, negócios e todas as áreas da vida.
    Presidente da Câmara de Jerusalém, Nir Barkat: "No 50º aniversário da sua reunificação, Jerusalém é uma cidade florescente e próspera - nos campos da educação, da alta tecnologia e da cultura, nos negócios e em todas as áreas da vida.
    Neste dia, quando celebramos Jerusalém, "exaltemos Jerusalém acima da nossa alegria, e construamos para as gerações futuras. Desejo a todos nós um ano de sucesso em Jerusalém. "
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    Fireworks display over the Old City of Jerusalem in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the city’s reunification Fireworks display over the Old City of Jerusalem in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the city’s reunification : MFA
    On the eve of the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Israel’s capital city, Jerusalem shows exciting trends in education, hi-tech, housing and construction, tourism, culture, and the arts.
    • The Jerusalem Institute for Policy Research reports: in the last two years there has been a 28% increase in hi-tech employees in Jerusalem.
    • 78% of the tourists who arrived in Israel in 2016 visited Jerusalem, and 51% of the tourists who arrived in Israel stayed overnight in the city.
    • In 2016, construction permits were granted for 2534 new housing units in the city, compared to 2262 in 2015.
    • In the last two years, 140 new playgrounds have been upgraded in the city, and in 2017, 50 additional playgrounds will be upgraded.
    • In 2016, 3118 new immigrants made aliyah [immigrated] to Jerusalem. Since 2011, 18,577 new immigrants have made aliyah to Jerusalem.
    • According to the Central Bureau of Statistics, 92% of Jerusalem residents are satisfied with their lives (93% of the Jewish population, and 89% of the Arab population), which is slightly higher than the rate in the general population (88%). 
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    O que está planeado para Jerusalém este ano:
    New equipment and staff will be added to improve neighborhood cleanliness, cleaning operations in the eastern neighborhoods will be upgraded, new themed neighborhood parks will be established, additional off-leash dog parks will be built in the neighborhoods, new parks will be established in the city’s eastern neighborhoods, millions of flowers will be planted across the entire city, dozens of city roads and sidewalks will be renovated.
    An innovative program will be implemented in the elementary schools, which is an educational revolution in the management and curriculum for elementary schools; kindergarten playgrounds will be renovated; and dozens of urban renewal programs will be implemented across the entire city. Plans will continue to advance for: the renovation or expansion of about 10,000 residential units; the establishment of 7 employment centers in Har Hotzvim, Talpiot, at the entrance to the city and other locations, which will add 5,000,000 m2 to the urban business space; additional Light Rail lines in the city; upgrading traffic in the north of the city; development of public transportation routes, and more.
    Bike paths will be developed  in city neighborhoods, which will connect to the Sovev Jerusalem trail; the budget for culture and sports events will increase across all city sectors; the 20th Maccabiah Games will be held in the city; the country’s largest aquarium will be inaugurated in the Biblical Zoo; a business incubator will be developed for social businesses in the city; the first “gadget lab” will be open in the city as a collaborative effort between Intel and various startups and developers; hundreds of events will be held in cooperation with downtown businesses; and over 30 place-making initiatives will begin in partnership with artists and residents in the city center and across the neighborhoods.
    The multi-year program for renovating and improving the coverage and roofing of 50 sports arenas across the city will continue; new fitness facilities will be set up citywide and new walking paths will be developed in 10 city neighborhoods; new small sports facilities will be built for the community – including artificial grass and basketball courts; the athletics stadium at Givat Ram will be completely upgraded, which will allow the stadium to host national and international events and be used by sports associations and the local community; new swimming pools are in various stages of planning and construction.  A number of new community centers will be built, including a unique community center specializing in the arts, music and culture. Youth movement clubs will be set up, and about 25 preschool day care centers will be built.

    ​Estatísticas de Jerusalém: 

     ​• At the end of 2015, the population of Jerusalem stood at 865,700 residents, an increase of 1.9% from the previous year (compared to 2% in Israel).

    • Over the course of 2015, the population of Jerusalem grew by 16,000 residents.
    • There were 23,600 births in Jerusalem in 2015, which represented 13% of all births in Israel.
    • In 2015, 10,300 individuals moved to Jerusalem (migrated to the city) from other locations in Israel. In the same year, 18,100 residents moved away.
    ​​Breakthroughs in Jerusalem Education
    • More and more families are choosing to build their homes in Jerusalem: following a decade of decline, in the last eight years there has been a steady increase in national and national religious education, along with continued growth of all sectors.
    • In the last six years, there has been a steady, ongoing increase in the number of new students.
    • This year, the Municipality started construction of 1,000 new classrooms across Jerusalem, to provide a solution to the existing shortage in all city sectors.
    • Higher education – in 2015-16, 36,200 students studied in all higher education institutions in Jerusalem. 18,300 students studied in the Hebrew University, 11,600 students studied in seven academic colleges and 6,200 in four colleges.
    • 74% of the students studying in the city are satisfied with living in Jerusalem.
    • 75% of the students studying in the city (3rd year) expect that they will continue living in Jerusalem for the next two years.

    Jerusalem, Israel's Start-Up Capital:
    •  In the last two years, there has been a 28% increase in hi-tech employees in Jerusalem (compared to a national average of 8%). In 2013, there were 14,400 hi-tech employees in Jerusalem, compared to 18,500 in 2015.
    • Jerusalem will become the autonomous vehicle capital with the expansion of the Mobileye Company in the city.
    • In 2015, there were 2,568,300 overnight stays by foreign tourists and 905,800 overnight stays by Israelis.
    • 78% of the tourists who arrived in Israel in 2016 visited Jerusalem, and 51% of the tourists who arrived in Israel stayed there overnight.
    • 69% of the tourists visited the Western Wall, 64% - the Jewish Quarter, 55% - the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, 49% - Via Dolorosa, 49% - the Mount of Olives, 37% - the City of David, 28% - the Tower of David, 20% - Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, 19% - the Garden Tomb, 16% - the Israel Museum and 8% - Al Aqsa mosque.
    Leading in Construction:
    • In 2016, the construction of 3,120 housing units was completed in the city.
    • In 2016, construction permits were granted for 2534 new housing units, as compared to 2262 in 2015.
    • In 2016, construction permits were granted for 230 new housing units as part of TAMA 38, as compared to only 19 housing units in 2014.
    • Jerusalem is the first city in which an urban renewal administration was established, where Pinui Binui (evacuation-construction) programs for adding about 9,000 housing units in the city are being advanced, with over 1,000 housing units in the program already approved.
    Green Jerusalem:
    • In the last two years, 140 new playgrounds have been upgraded and another 50 playgrounds will be upgraded in 2017.
    • In the last year, shade structures were installed in 55 existing city playgrounds, and in the coming year, another 100 shade structures will be installed in city gardens.
    • The multi-year plan to replace all the city’s garbage containers with in-ground garbage containers is ongoing. In the last year, 300 containers were concealed through in-ground construction, and this year, up to 300 more in-ground garbage containers will be installed across the city.
    Transport – Building the Future:

    • The development of the light rail is continuing and a second branch will connect additional neighborhoods. The line will serve about 250 thousand commuters every day.
    Immigrants choose Jerusalem
    • In 2016, 3118 new immigrants made aliyah to Jerusalem. Since 2011, 18,577 new immigrants have made aliyah to Jerusalem.