FAQ: Elections in Israel 2015

FAQ: Eleições em Israel 2015


    Uma resolução para dissolver o 19.º Knesset passed foi aprovada em Plenário, a 8 de Dezembro, e com voto unânime. As eleições para o 20.º Knesset acontecem a 17 de Março de 2015.

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    Eleições em Israel 2015 Eleições em Israel 2015 : MFA Israel


    1.  O que os Israelitas votam nas eleições?

    As eleições nacionais irão determinar a composição do novo Knesset e do governo que será estabelecido basedado nestes resultados. 26 partidos submeteram a lista de candidatos ao Comité Central de Eleições.

    Israel é uma democracia parlamentar. O Primeiro-Ministro, que lidera o governo de Israel, é escolhido de entre os membros do recém-eleito Knesset, o Parlamento de Israel. .

    2. Como funcionam as eleições em Israel?

    As eleições em Israel refletem a forte tradição democrática do Estado de Israel. As campanhas eleitorais são bastante vivas, acompanhadas por debates vigorosos em diversos assuntos. Os Israelitas têm muito interesse na vida política do país, incluindo na política interna e relações externas, e participam activamente no processo eleitoral. .

    3. Quais são os principios básicos do processo eleitoral de Israel?

    A estrutura do sistema eleitoral de Israel está definida no Artigo 4 da "Basic Law: The Knesset," que afirma: "O Knesset (Parlamento) deve ser eleito através de eleições gerais, nacionais, directas, iguais, secretas e proporcionais, de acordo com a Lei Eleitoral do Knesset."

    Israel's election process

    • Geral: Qualquer cidadão Israelita com 18 anos de idade ou superior tem o direito de votar no dia de eleições.
    • Nacional: O país inteiro constitui um único círculo eleitoral. No sistema de representação proporcional de Israel, os candidatos representam partidos nacionais e não distritos eleitorais ou círculos eleitorais locais. .
    • Directo: O Knesset, o Parlamento de Israel, é eleito directamente pelos eleitores, não através de um corpo de eleitores. No dia das eleições, os eleitores colocam um voto para um único partido político para os representar no Knesset.
    • Igual: Todos os votos são iguais em peso.
    • Secreto: O voto é um acto secreto.
    • Proporcional: Os 120 lugares do Knesset são designados em proporção à percentagem obtida pelo partido nos votos nacionais. No entanto, o requerido para um partido estar representado no Knesset é ter no mínimo 3.25% do total dos votos. 
  • <iframe width="500" height="281" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rzpWIXg3HtM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    4. Quando é que são as eleições ?

    As eleições para o Knesset acontecem a cada quatro anos, a não ser que uma das seguintes situações ocorra:

    • O Knesset aprova a lei para dissolver o Knesset;
    • O Knesset não aprovou o orçamento dentro três meses do início do ano fiscal;
    • O Primeiro-Ministro pede para dissolver o Knesset;
    • Um voto de não-confiança foi aprovado e o novo governo não foi formado. 

    O Knesset também pode decidir, por uma maioria especial de 80 votos, prolongar o seu mandato além dos quatro anos se existirem circunstâncias especiais. Isto aconceteu uma vez, em 1973, quando as eleições para o Oitavo Knesset foram atrasadas durante dois meses devido à Guerra do Yom Kippur.

    The 19th Knesset - 2013-2015

    5. Quem pode votar?

    Votar é um direito garantido a todo o cidadão de Israel que tenha 18 ou mais anos de idade no dia das eleições.  

    Israelitas de todos os grupos étnicos e crenças religiosas, incluindo Árabes-Israelitas, participam activamente no processo.  

    Qualquer cidadão elegível de Israel está automaticamente registado. Um total de 5,881,696 Israelitas estão elegíveis para votar nas eleições de dia 17 de Março 2015. 

    6. Can soldiers, the disabled, the infirmed and prison inmates vote?

    Soldiers on active duty vote in polling stations in their units. Particular arrangements are made for prison inmates to vote, as well as for those confined to hospitals. Disabled persons who are ambulatory can vote in one of the special voting stations designed for accessibility.

    7. Are absentee ballots permitted?

    Israeli law does not provide for absentee ballots and in general, voting takes place only on Israeli soil. Exceptions are made for Israeli citizens serving abroad on official business who can vote in Israeli embassies and consulates abroad or on Israeli ships.

    Election day

    8. How does voting take place?

    The Israeli voting method is user-friendly, even to voters who have limited knowledge of Hebrew and Arabic. Every voter is given an envelope before entering the voting booth. Inside the booth is a tray holding slips of paper. Each slip has the name of a party and the "symbol" of the party (comprised of 1-4 letters). The voter selects the slip that represents their chosen party and seals the slip in the envelope. After exiting the voting booth, the voter places the envelope in the ballot box. 

    Registered voters vote at one of the more than 10,000 polling stations.

    9. How are voters identified?

    Voters must be identified by one of the following identification cards:

    • An official I.D. card (teudat ze’hut) with a picture (issued free to all Israelis from the age of 16);
    • A valid Israeli passport with a picture;
    • A valid driver’s license with a picture;
    • A Knesset member I.D. card.

    The Interior Minister may approve identification without a photo I.D. in rare cases, such as Muslim women who wear a veil.

    10. What happens on election day?

    Election day is a holiday in order to enable all potential voters to participate. Free public transportation is available to voters who happen to be outside their polling districts on this day.

    In the upcoming elections, most polls will open at 07:00 in the morning of election day and close at 22:00 (10pm). In smaller communities, hospitals and prisons voting takes place between 08:00 and 20:00 (8pm). If all the registered voters have voted at a particular station, that polling station may close early.

    Voting may take place earlier in special cases. Polling is held twelve days before election day in Israeli diplomatic mission and ships, while the votes of soldiers may be collected up to 72 hours before election day.

    11. Do Israelis vote for parties or individual candidates?

    The parties competing for election to the Knesset reflect a wide range of outlooks and beliefs.  Since the entire country is a single electoral constituency, the candidates run on lists representing their nation-wide party. They do not represent electoral districts or local constituencies.

    Voters cast their ballot for the party of their choice and not for a particular candidate. Thus, there are no "candidates" for prime minister, but only party lists headed by the chosen leader of each.

    The direct election of the Prime Minister was instituted in Israel in 1996. After two election rounds (1996 and 1999), the law was rescinded (2001).


    12. Who is eligible for elected office?

    Every citizen aged 21 or older is eligible for election to the Knesset, unless they are excluded by one of the exceptions under the law.

    Examples of exceptions include:

    • An individual who holds a senior official position: the President, a Chief Rabbi, the State Comptroller, judges and senior public officials, as well as the chief-of-staff and high-ranking military officers may not stand for election to the Knesset unless they have resigned their position before the elections in the period specified by law;
    • Cases where a court has specifically restricted this right by virtue of a law.

    According to the "Basic Law: The Knesset," the Central Elections Committee may prevent a candidates' list from participating in elections if its objectives or actions, expressly or by implication, include one of the following:

    • Negation of the existence of the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish people;
    • Negation of the democratic character of Israel;
    • Incitement to racism.

    This decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court, which has reversed decisions by the Central Elections Committee.

    13. What is the Central Elections Committee?

    The Central Elections Committee is responsible for conducting and supervising the elections. It is headed by a Justice of the Supreme Court, currently Justice Salim Joubran, and includes representatives of the parties holding seats in the outgoing Knesset.

    14. What do polling committees do?

    Regional election committees oversee the functioning of local polling committees, which include representatives of at least three parties in the outgoing Knesset. Anyone aged 16 or older is eligible to serve on a polling committee.

    15. What must parties do before the elections?

    Prior to the elections, each party submits its list of candidates for the Knesset (in order of precedence).

    The parties select their candidates for the Knesset in primaries or by other procedures.

    Only registered parties or an alignment of two or more registered parties can present a list of candidates and participate in the elections.

    16. How are campaigns financed?

    a. The State of Israel covers most of the parties' budgets and only a small fraction of party financing originates from sources other than the state budget.

    According to the Party Financing Law, a treasury allocation for election campaigns is granted to the factions. Each faction receives an allocation at the rate of one pre-defined "financing unit" per seat won in the previous Knesset elections plus retroactively one unit per mandate won in the new Knesset, divided by two, plus one additional financing unit. New factions receive a similar allocation, retroactively, based on the number of seats won in the elections.

    b. The law concerning non-public financing, such as membership dues and contributions, is extremely strict and limiting

    No faction may receive a contribution, directly or indirectly, from any person or his dependents in excess of the sum established by law and linked to the Consumer Price Index. 

    A faction or list of candidates may not receive a financial contribution from someone who is not eligible to vote in the elections, such as foreign nationals who do not also hold Israeli citizenship.

    Corporations are not allowed to make donations to parties.

    17. How do campaign ads meet the principle of equal opportunity?

    Election broadcasts begin on television 21 days before the elections. All election advertising is broadcast free of charge on television and radio, although the parties are responsible for preparing the advertisements at their own expense. Under the principle of equal opportunity, it is prohibited to purchase broadcasting time.

    The Election Law contains strict rules regarding the timing, length and content of television and radio election broadcasts. Parties participating in the elections receive broadcasting minutes according to a formula set in law. Each is given a basic and equal allocation of minutes for broadcasts on television and radio. Factions which have candidates who served in the outgoing Knesset are allocated an additional amount of time based on their number of former Members of Knesset (MKs).

    For example, each party receives 7 basic minutes of advertising on television and an additional 2 minute per former MK. On radio, each party list receives 15 basic minutes and 4 additional ones per outgoing MK. Parties are also limited in the amount of inches of election advertising they can print in newspapers.

    Other restrictions on advertising include:

    • No use of children under the age of 15;
    • No use of the IDF that creates the impression that the army identifies with a particular party;
    • No use of the names or images of victims of terrorism without their permission or that of their surviving family.

    18. How is the Knesset formed?

    Knesset seats are assigned in proportion to each party's percentage of the total national vote.

    The number and order of members entering the new Knesset for each party corresponds to its list of candidates as presented for election. However, each party must receive at least a certain percentage of the votes to enter the Knesset. Currently, the minimum qualifying threshold to be elected is 3.25% of the total votes cast.

    A party's surplus votes, which are insufficient for an additional seat, can be transferred to another party according to agreements made between them prior to the election. If no agreement exists, the surplus votes are distributed according to the parties' proportional sizes in the elections.

    19. How is the Prime Minister chosen?

    The Prime Minister is selected from among the elected Knesset members. The President of the State assigns the task to the Knesset member considered to have the best chance of forming a viable coalition government in light of the Knesset election results.

    Forming the government

    20. How is the government formed?

    a. The government (cabinet of ministers) is the executive authority of the state, charged with administering internal and foreign affairs, including security matters.

    b. When a new government is to be formed, the President of the State - after consulting with representatives of the parties elected to the Knesset - assigns the task of forming the government to a Knesset member. This Knesset member is usually the leader of the party with the largest Knesset representation or the head of the party that leads a coalition of more than 60 members.

    c. Since a government requires the Knesset's confidence to function, it must have a supporting coalition of at least 61 of the 120 Knesset members.

    To date, no single party has received enough Knesset seats to be able to form a government by itself; thus all Israeli governments have been based on coalitions of several parties. Those remaining outside the government compose the opposition.

    d. The Knesset member to whom the task is assigned has a period of 28 days to form a government. The President may extend the term by an additional period of time, not exceeding 14 days.

    If this period (up to 42 days) has passed and the designated Knesset member has not succeeded in forming a government, the President may then assign the task of forming a government to another Knesset member. This Knesset member has a period of 28 days for the fulfillment of the task. There are no further extensions.

    If a government still has not been formed, an absolute majority of Knesset members (61) has the option of applying in writing to the President, asking him to assign the task to a particular Knesset member. Such a precedent has yet to occur.

    e. When a government has been formed, the designated Prime Minister presents it to the Knesset within 45 days of publication of election results in the official gazette. At this time, he announces its composition, the basic guidelines of its policy and the distribution of functions among its ministers.

    The Prime Minister then asks the Knesset for an expression of confidence. The government is installed when the Knesset has expressed confidence in it by a majority of 61 Knesset members. Then the new ministers assume their offices.

    Like the Knesset, the government is chosen for four years. Its tenure may be shortened if the Prime Minister is unable to continue in office due to death, resignation, permanent incapacitation, impeachment or if the Prime Minister ceases to function as a member of the Knesset. However, the government may appoint one of its other members who is a Knesset member as acting Prime Minister. 

  • Conheça melhor os partidos que estão a concorrer para as eleições!

    ​Para conhecer os partidos que estão na corrida para as eleições no dia 17 de Março, clique neste link e saiba quais as suas ideologias e os seus líderes.