Yom HaShoah ve HaGvura
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Yom HaShoah ve HaGvura

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    Yom HaShoah Yom HaShoah Copyright: Embassy
    On the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance and Heroism Day, Yom HaShoah ve HaGvura, Ambassador Gary Koren hosted a special event called Zikaron BaSalon - Testimony in the Living Room. Zikaron BaSalon started as a private initiative, and developed into a worldwide phenomenon.

    In a more intimate atmosphere, we spoke with Holocaust survivors and their families, members of Jewish communities, as well as relevant persons in the field of Holocaust research and fight against anti-Semitism about their experiences, thoughts and the future of remembrance.

    We hereby thank all our participants: survivor Mr. Darko Fischer, H.E. the former president Mr. Stjepan Mesić, prof. Hrvoje Klasić, graduates of Judaic Studies Mrs. Mateja Mirković and Mrs. Anita Fiket, director of the Education and Teacher Training Agency, Ph.D. Dubravka Brezak Stamać, director of the Jasenovac memorial area Iva Pejaković, Mrs. Sanja Zoričić Tabaković from the Shoah Academy, president of the Jewish Community of Zagreb and the Coordination of Jewish Communities, prof. Ognjen Kraus, moderator Nataša Barac and our guests in the audience, as well as the crew of the HRT's Prizma show who covered the event in the media.

    We also remind you that by listening to witnesses, we become witnesses. It is our joint duty to preserve the memory of the Holocaust, its victims and heroes, and to ensure the future of memory​