Update to terrorist attack near Lion's Gate in Jerusalem Old city
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Update to terrorist attack in Jerusalem

    Update to terrorist attack near Lion's Gate in Jerusalem Old city
    Three terrorists armed with rifles and pistols attacked Israeli police officers near one of the gates to the Temple Mount and fled in the direction of the mosques on the Mount.
    Several Israelis were seriously injured. The terrorists were killed by security forces.
    The Jerusalem District police commander ordered the closure of the gates leading to the Temple Mount and evacuation of all people on the plaza.
    Terror Attack on the Temple Mount 14.07.2017.

    1. The incident is grave and severe. The terrorists desecrated a holy place and turned a prayer site into an area of terror and bloodshed.
    2. The terrorists were armed with firearms (Karlo Gustav and a pistol) as well as knives. They fired at police officers and tried to take refuge inside the mosques on the Temple Mount.
    3. To ensure that there are no additional weapons within the Temple Mount compound and to maintain public safety, the gates on the Temple Mount have been closed and Friday prayers will not be held at this stage.
    4. The status quo on the Temple Mount will be maintained.
    5. Security forces are assessing the situation and maintaining security in the area.
    6. Public leaders are asked to encourage the public to remain calm and to retain peace and quite in Jerusalem and elsewhere.