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Operation Pillar of Defense - Ceasefire

  •   November 21, 2012

    In response to the incessant rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip - the IDF has launched a widespread campaign against terror targets in Gaza. The operation, called Pillar of Defense, has two main goals: to protect Israeli civilians and to cripple the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza

    Kao odgovor na neprekidne raketne napade iz Gaze, IDF je pokrenuo široku kampanju usmjerenu na terorističke ciljeve u Gazi. Operacija nazvana Stup obrane, ima dva glavna cilja: zaštititi izraelske civile i uništiti infrastrukturu terorista u Gazi.

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    21 November 2012

    PM Netanyahu's Statement at November 21 Press Conference with Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense - Operation Pillar of Defense – Cease-Fire

    "Citizens of Israel,

    Eight days ago, Israel embarked on Operation Pillar of Defense. The government decided to launch the operation after the frequency of the terror attacks originating from Gaza increased over the last few months. I announced that we would respond forcibly to these attacks when we see fit. I said that we would exact a heavy price from the terror organizations.

    The terror organizations assumed that we would avoid offensive action against them; they were wrong. We hit their senior commanders, we destroyed thousands of rockets which were aimed towards the South and most of those aimed towards central Israel, and we crushed Hamas’ control facilities. I must say that we did this with the strong support of the leading authorities of the international community.

    In particular, I wish to thank President Obama for his resolute support for Israel’s actions, for this operation and for Israel’s right to defend itself. I also thank him for supporting the Iron Dome systems. I thank Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and express my gratitude to the Egyptians for their efforts in achieving this cease-fire.

    In a phone call I had this evening with President Obama, I agreed with him that we should give the cease-fire a chance in order to enable a lull in the situation and allow for the citizens of Israel to return to routine. However, Israel obviously cannot sit idly while our enemy reinforces itself with weapons of terror. Therefore we decided, President Obama and myself, that the United States and Israel would work together to fight the smuggling of weapons to the terror organizations – weapons, virtually all of which come from Iran.

    From the day the State of Israel was established, it has had to deal with complex challenges in the Middle East, and we can all see that these challenges have become even more complex in the last few years. Under these conditions we are required to navigate this ship, the State of Israel, wisely and responsibly while taking into account all considerations – military and political alike. This is what a responsible government does, and it is what we did here: we made use of our military might while applying political considerations.

    Now, I realize that there are citizens who expect a harsher military action and we may very well need to do that. But at present, the right thing for the State of Israel is to exhaust this possibility of reaching a long-term cease-fire. As Prime Minister, I have the responsibility, and it is the highest responsibility, to make the right steps to ensure our security. That is what I have done and it is what I will continue to do.

    During the last week, Israel has lost several victims. On behalf of the entire population, I send condolences to the families, and wish the wounded a speedy recovery.

    I would like to thank my colleagues, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman. We worked together as a team, in full agreement. I also thank the Nine-Member Ministerial Forum, the Cabinet and the Government, for working – each in its field of responsibility – for the citizens of Israel. I also appreciate the factions of the Opposition and the factions in Knesset for standing with us and proclaiming their support.

    I thank the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz, the Chief of Shin Bet, Yoram Cohen, the Director of the Mossad, Tamir Pardo, and all of their people for their exceptional efforts in reaching our accomplishments in Pillar of Defense. On behalf of the people of Israel, I thank the IDF commanders and soldiers, the pilots, the Iron Dome operators and developers, the members of the intelligence services, all the members of the security services and to the reservists, who left their families and immediately signed up for duty.

    I appreciate the mayors and heads of regional councils for displaying leadership and level-headedness at the Home Front, and above all – I salute you, the citizens of Israel. We have a strong army; we have a strong people. I am proud to by your Prime Minister."

    21. studenog 2012.

    Izjava premijera Netanyahua na konferenciji za tisak povodom operacije Stup obrane:

    Građani Izraela,

    prije osam dana Izrael se upustio u operaciju Stup obrane. Vlada je odlučila pokrenuti tu operaciju nakon što su se posljednjih mjeseci pojačali učestali teroristički napadi iz Gaze. Ja sam najavio da ćemo snažno odgovoriti na te napade kad se pokaže prikladnim. Rekao sam da ćemo terorističkim organizacijama to skupo naplatiti.

    Terorističke organizacije su pretpostavljale da ćemo izbjegavati napasti ih; pogriješili su. Udarili smo po njihovim višim zapovjednicima, uništili smo tisuće raketa koje su bile usmjerene prema jugu (Izraela), većinu onih usmjerenih prema središnjim dijelovima Izraela i srušili smo objekte Hamasove uprave. Moram reći da smo to učinili uz snažnu podršku vodećih organa vlasti međunarodne zajednice.

    Posebno želim zahvaliti predsjedniku Obami na njegovoj odlučnoj podršci izraelskim akcijama, ovoj operaciji i pravu Izraela da se obrani. Također mu zahvaljujem na pomoći vezanoj uz sustav Željezna kupola. Također zahvaljujem državnoj tajnici Hillary Clinton i izražavam Egipćanima zahvalnost na naporima koje su uložili u postizanje primirja.

    U telefonskom razgovoru koji sam večeras vodio s predsjednikom Obamom, složio sam se s njim da moramo dati priliku primirju kako bi se situacija umirila i kako bi se omogućilo građanima Izraela da se vrate svojoj rutini. Međutim, očito je da Izrael ne može besposleno sjediti dok naši neprijatelji obnavljaju snage oružjem namijenjenim terorizmu. Zato smo odlučili, predsjednik Obama i ja, da će SAD i Izrael zajednički raditi na suzbijanju krijumčarenja oružja terorističkim organizacijama – oružja, koje doslovno svo, dolazi iz Irana.

    Od dana svoj osnutka, Država Izrael se morala baviti mnogostrukim bliskoistočnim izazovima i svi možemo vidjeti da su ti izazovi postali još složeniji posljednjih par godina. U takvim okolnostima od nas se traži da tim brodom, Državom Izrael, upravljamo mudro i odgovorno uzevši u obriz sva razmišljanja – vojna i politička podjednako. To je ono što odgovorna vlada radi i to je ono što mi ovdje radimo: koristimo svoju vojnu silu uz istodobna politička razmatranja.

    Znam da ima građana koji očekuju oštriju vojnu akciju i možda će nam i to ustrebati. Ali sada je za Državu Izrael dobro iscrpiti mogućnost da se postigne dugotrajno primirje. Na meni kao premijeru je odgovornost, i to najveća odgovornost, da napravim prave korake i pobrinem se za našu sigurnost. To sam učinio i to ću nastaviti činiti.

    Tijekom prošlog tjedna Izrael je izgubio više žrtava. U ime svih stanovnika izražavam sućut obiteljima, a ranjenima želim brz oporavak.

                                      (iz izjave premijera Netanyahua)


    Following the meeting between

    Mr. Goran Jandroković, Chairman of the Croatia – Israel Interparliamentary Friendship Group


    H.E. Yossi Amrani, Ambassador of Israel in Croatia

    Ambassador Amrani briefed the Chairman Jandroković on recent events in Israel and efforts to reach ceasefire and to put an end to ongoing rockets attacks on Israel. The Ambassador emphasized that Israel has embarked on a military campaign only as a last resort in light of ongoing attacks targeting civilian population centers and innocent Israelis.  In its efforts Israel is aiming at pre-empting future attacks sponsored by Iran and extreme fundamentalists.

    Chairman Jandroković said that Israel has a right to defend its people; a right recognized by international law and expressed his solidarity and support for Israel at this time of challenge and crisis.

    Croatia still remembers how it feels to be under constant shelling attacks and calls on the international community to send a clear message to Hamas that such attacks are intolerable.

    Mr. Jandroković conveyed, through the Ambassador, his friendship towards Israel and its people.

    Zagreb, November 20, 2012


    G. Gordan Jandroković, voditelj hrvatsko-izraelske međuparlamentarne skupine prijateljstva


    Nj. E. Yossi Amrani, veleposlanik države Izrael u Hrvatskoj

    sastali su se 20. studenog 2012.

    Veleposlanik Amrani izvjestio je g. Jandrokovića o nedavnim događajima u Izraelu i naporima da se postigne prestanak vatre i zaustave raketni napadi na Izrael. Veleposlanik je naglasio da se Izrael odlučio na vojnu akciju kao zadnju mjeru u svjetlu trajnih napada na civilna središta i nedužne Izraelce. U svojim naporima Izrael nastoji spriječiti buduće napade koje sponzoriraju Iran i ekstremni fundamentalisti.

    Voditelj međuparlamentarne skupine Jandroković rekao je da Izrael ima pravo braniti svoj narod; pravo priznato međunarodnim zakonima i izrazio je solidarnost  i podršku Izraelu u ovo vrijeme izazova i krize.

    Hrvatska se još uvijek sjeća kako je bilo živjeti pod stalnim granatiranjem i poziva međunarodnu zajednicu da pošalje jasnu poruku Hamasu da su takvi napadi nedopustivi.

    G. Jandroković je preko veleposlanika izrazio svoje  prijateljstvo prema Izraelu i njegovom narodu.

    Zagreb, 20. studenoga 2012..

    Article published in Croatian weekly "GLOBUS", written by Ines Sabalić:

    November 21, 2012.


    "The only solution is the Palestinian State, but not in the service of Iran"

    Although the international pressure is increasing, truce in Gaza, if it will be reached, can be only temporary.

    Sooner or later Israel will enter the Gaza Strip and reasons are multiple. Partly they are connected to elections in Israel where PM Netanyahu will try to justify his reputation of a hawk. His problem is that he was very militant in words but in concrete issues he was very contained compared to Olmert who lost his nerves and engaged the army two times. Entering to Gaza would be a terribly difficult decision because the civilian victims would be big on both sides.

    Now, in Israel, at least half the population, crazy because of Hamas-s terrorist attacks, demands an action and punishment of Hamas, but also an international recognition of the fact that Israel is a target. Nobody believes that Hamas would stop targeting Israeli cities. Shelling of Israeli towns has become so usual that nobody in the international community is mentioning it.

    Another problem is the unsolved problem of Gaza Strip. We know that it will become a part of the Palestinian state, but at this moment it is controlled by Hamas and it is unacceptable for Israel that such a Hamas should lead a part of the Palestinian state. Silent support to Israel in this respect comes from Fatah.

    A fraction of Hamas in Gaza is radical and dangerous. They are controlled by Iran, whose strategic goal is destruction of Israel and, through Hamas, it is informing Israel about it all the time. So, no wonder that Israelis, even the opposition, are supporting the Gaza operation. And really, it is not clear what kind of diplomatic action could succeed with Hamas when their leaders, before any talks call Tehran for their opinion.

    Of course, it is true that Gaza is the largest camp in the world where generations of Palestinians live without hope and life chances. Palestinian State is the only chance for permanent peace but not a state controlled by Iran.

    According to Israeli sources, some of long range rockets which fell on Israel were launched from Iran. If that is true, it makes situation more complicated and it also involves Europe

    In the meantime Iranian nuclear program is advancing and it increases Tehran-s negotiating position but also the possibility of a real, dangerous war.

    It is important to say that the operation in Gaza has diverted the attention from Syria, where 40,000 people were killed and Arabs kill Arabs..."

    Legal points on Operation Pillar of Defense

    The legal justification for the operation

    Hamas and other terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip have been waging an ongoing armed conflict against Israel, which has included incessant barrages of rockets and mortars towards the Israeli civilian population and other terror activities.

    Israel has the right under international law, and a moral obligation, to act in self-defense, to defend its population and to protect its territory when under attack, as well as to take military action against the terrorist attacks from the Gaza Strip.

    Violations of international law on the part of the Hamas and the other terror organizations

    Hamas’ actions are in clear violation of the most fundamental principles of international law, including the principle of distinction, which requires Hamas and other terrorist organizations not only to refrain from directing its attacks at Israeli civilians, but also to clearly distinguish itself from its own civilian population.  

    These terrorist organizations consciously and deliberately violate these principles in a repeated manner, by deploying weapons and command centers in densely populated areas, operating from residential areas, and exploiting the civilian population by exposing them to serious harm.

    By doing so, Hamas and the terror organizations in the Gaza Strip are committing war crimes.

    The commitment of the State of Israel and the IDF to international law

    Israel and the IDF are fully committed to international law in general, and to the Laws of Armed Conflict in particular.

    Israeli commanders and soldiers are guided by international law in their actions. The IDF strives to imbue the principles of international law in IDF training, the IDF Code of Ethics and rules of engagement.

    The IDF receives ongoing legal advice on a wide range of operational issues at various levels of the command chain (for example, regarding targeting decisions, the use of weaponry and issues regarding humanitarian efforts towards the civilian population).

    The legality of the IDF’s attacks

    IDF attacks in the Gaza Strip are solely targeted against military targets and terrorist operatives. Civilian objects such as residential buildings may constitute legitimate targets if used by terrorist operatives for military purposes.

    The IDF makes great efforts to minimize the incidental harm that may be caused to civilians or civilian objects as a result of an attack on a military target. For example:

    -          Munitions to be used in an attack are carefully chosen, often using precision guided missiles in pinpoint surgical strikes to minimize the risk of incidental civilian harm.

    -          The IDF uses advanced and precise intelligence regarding target identification and employs various means for monitoring the presence of civilians in areas of operation as well as for aborting attacks if it appears that civilians are at risk.

    -          Where circumstances permit, effective advance warning is given prior to attacks which may place the civilian population at risk.

    Pravna uporišta za operaciju Stup obrane

    Zakonska opravdanost operacije

    Hamas i druge terorističke organizacije iz Pojasa Gaze krenule su u oružani sukob protiv Izraela, što je uključivalo stalno ispaljivanje raketa i minobacača na izraelsko civilno stanovništvo i druge terorističke aktivnosti.

    Pema međunarodnom pravu, Izrael ima pravo i moralnu obvezu djelovati u samoobrani, braniti svoje stanovništvo i zaštititi svoj
    ​​teritorij kada je pod napadom, kao i poduzeti vojnu akciju protiv terorističkih napada iz Pojasa Gaze.

    Kršenje međunarodnog prava od strane Hamasa i drugih terorističkih organizacija

    Hamasovo djelovanje je jasno kršenje najtemeljnijih načela međunarodnog prava, uključujući načelo distinkcije, koje od Hamasa i drugih terorističkih organizacija zahtijeva da se suzdrže od izravnog napada na izraelsko civilno stanovništvo, ali i da se sasvim jasno razlikuju i odvoje od vlastitog civilnog stanovništva.

    Te terorističke organizacije svjesno i promišljeno opetovano krše ta načela tako što razmiještaju oružje i zapovjedne centre u gusto naseljena područja i koriste civilno stanovništvo izlažući ih ozbiljnim ozljedama.

    Radeći to, Hamas i terorističke organizacije iz Pojasa Gaze su počinile ratni zločin.

    Privrženost Države izrael i IDF-a međunarodnom pravu

    Izrael i IDF su u potpunosti odani međunarodnom pravu općenito, a posebno Zakonima o oružanim sukobima.

    Izraelski zapovjednici i vojnici u svojim se akcijama vode međunarodnim pravom. IDF ulaže sve napore da u vježbe IDF-a budu uključena načela međunarodnog prava, etički kodeks IDF-a i pravila borbe.

    IDF tijekom operacija na različitim razinama zapovjednog lanca prima pravne savjete  o širokom rasponu operativnih pitanja (npr. s obzirom na odlučivanje o ciljevima, upotrebi oružja i u vezi s humaniratnim nastojanjima u odnosu na civilno stanovništvo).

    Zakonitost napada IDF-a

    Napadi IDF-a na Pojas Gaze isključivo su usmjereni protiv vojnih ciljeva i terorista. Civilni objekti kao što su stambene zgrade, mogu biti legitiman cilj ako ih teroristi koriste u vojne svrhe.

    IDF čini velike napore kako bi se umanjile slučajne štete nanesene civilima ili civilnim objektima kao rezultat napada na vojni cilj. Na primjer:

    - U napadu se koristi pažljivo odabrano streljivo, često se koriste precizne navođene rakete u kirurški ciljanim napadima kako bi se umanjio rizik od slučajne civilne štete.

    - IDF koristi napredne i precizne obavještajne podatke u identificiranju ciljeva i koristi različita sredstva za nadgledanje prisutnosti civila u operativnim područjima i prekida napad ako se ustanovi da su civili u opasnosti.

    - Kad okolnosti dopuštaju, prije napada se civilnom stanovništvu izdaje upozorenje da bi mogli biti u opasnosti.

    PM Netanyahu Meets with German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "I’m very pleased to see you again, Guido. You’re an old friend and Germany has been constant, supportive, clear-sighted and upright in support and we appreciate it. As we speak right now, Israel’s cities are bombarded. There were rocket attacks on Be’er Sheva. <> Hamas and the other terror organizations in Gaza have no compunction whatsoever at firing on our civilians <> while hiding behind ]their] civilians <>. We do the very opposite. For us, every time there are civilian casualties, that’s an operational failure. For them, every time there are civilian casualties, that’s an operational success. So there’s a marked distinction and the people of Israel can’t long tolerate this kind of situation where our cities are under constant rocket attacks. I prefer a diplomatic solution. I hope that we can get one but, if not, we have every right to defend ourselves with other means and we shall use them. I believe that Germany can have a constructive role in seeking an end to this conflict in a long-term arrangement such that these terror weapons are not introduced into the Gaza Strip. And I hope to discuss this with you, among other matters.  As you know, we seek a diplomatic unwinding to this, through the discussions of cease-fire. But if the firing continues we will have to take broader action, and we won’t hesitate to do so."

    German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle: Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. I’m here to underline that Germany stands by our friends in Israel, and Israel has every right to defend itself and protect their own citizens against these missile attacks from Gaza into your country, Prime Minister. Of course we now have to consider and discuss how a cease-fire is possible. But there is one key condition for everything else, and that is the stop of the missile attacks against Israel. This is a clear message, not only of the German government but this is also the message that the European foreign minister yesterday sent out. We will do our best and we welcome what you just mentioned – that you seek and work on a diplomatic solution; that’s something with which we 100% agree. But now, of course it’s also important to see that Egypt plays a key role. Germany is ready to help and to support and we will do our best in the interest of our friends in Israel. Let’s do our best that a cease-fire is possible. Thank you."


    In a Statement issued by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton said:
    "The rocket attacks by Hamas and other fractions in Gaza which began this current crisis are totally unacceptable for any government and must stop. Israel has the right to protect its population from these kinds of attacks."

    PM Netanyahu's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting, 

    November 18, 2012

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 18 November 2012):

    "By now the IDF has attacked over 1,000 terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip and it is continuing its operations as we speak. It is achieving significant hits on weapons aimed at Israeli citizens, as well as on those who use these weapons and those who dispatch them. We are exacting a heavy price from Hamas and the [other] terrorist organizations, and the IDF is prepared for a significant expansion of its operations.

    Today as well, I will continue to speak with world leaders. I appreciate the understanding that they are showing for Israel's right to defend itself. In my talks with the leaders, I emphasize the effort Israel is making to avoid hitting civilians <>, and this at a time when Hamas and the [other] terrorist organizations are making every effort to hit civilian targets in Israel <>. We are a responsible government that is committed, above all, to the security of its citizens, and we are acting in accordance with this obligation.

    Over the weekend, I spoke again with US President Barack Obama. I thanked him for his support of Israel's right to defend itself and for his contribution, and that of the American people, in developing Iron Dome <>. I repeat and praise the restraint, determination and resilience of Israel's citizens on the home front, and I repeat my request to all of you to follow the instructions from IDF Home Front Command because it saves lives.

    PM Netanyahu's Statement to the Foreign Press

    15 November 2012

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this afternoon (Thursday, 15 November 2012), issued the following statement to the foreign press:

    "In recent days and weeks, Hamas and the other terrorist organizations in Gaza have made normal life impossible for over one million Israelis. No government would tolerate a situation where nearly a fifth of its people live under a constant barrage of rockets and missile fire, and Israel will not tolerate this situation. This is why my government has instructed the Israeli Defense Forces to conduct surgical strikes against the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza.<> And this is why Israel will continue to take whatever action is necessary to defend our people.

    I want to remind you that, seven years ago, Israel withdrew from every square inch of Gaza. Now, Hamas took over the areas we vacated. What did it do? Rather than build a better future for the residents of Gaza, the Hamas leadership, backed by Iran, turned Gaza into a terrorist stronghold. They fired thousand of rockets at our cities, at our towns, at our civilians, at our children. They’ve smuggled thousands of rockets and missiles into Gaza, and they deliberately place these rockets and missiles in civilian areas: in homes, in schools, near hospitals. This year alone, they fired over one thousand rockets and missiles at Israel, including close to 200 rockets in the last 24 hours.

    I’m stressing this because it’s important to understand one simple point. There is no moral symmetry; there is no moral equivalence, between Israel and the terrorist organizations in Gaza. The terrorists are committing a double war crime. They fire at Israeli civilians, and they hide behind Palestinian civilians. And, by contrast, Israel takes every measure to avoid civilian casualties. I saw today a picture of a bleeding Israeli baby. This picture says it all: Hamas deliberately targets our children, and they deliberately place their rockets next to their children. Despite this reality – and it’s a very difficult reality – Israel will continue to do everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties.

    I have to say that from my talks with world leaders, I have the clear understanding that they have a clear understanding of this. Yesterday I spoke to President Obama and I briefed him on Israel’s operations. I want to express my appreciation once again to President Obama for his unequivocal support for Israel’s right to defend itself. I also want to express my appreciation to the other world leaders I’ve had a chance to speak to in the last 24 hours: to President Hollande of France, to UN Secretary Ban Ki-Moon, to EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton and to Quartet representative Tony Blair. I want to thank them for their understanding of Israel’s need to defend itself, and Israel’s right to defend itself.

    In the past 24 hours Israel has made it clear that it will not tolerate rocket and missile attacks on its civilians. I hope that Hamas and the other terror organizations in Gaza got the message. If not, Israel is prepared to take whatever action is necessary to defend our people."


    Operation Pillar of Defense - STATEMENT BY PM NETANYAHU:
    November 14, 2012

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today (Wednesday, 14 November 2012), made the following statement:

    "Citizens of Israel,

    I want to praise the IDF soldiers and commanders, led by Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz , who is commanding the operation as we speak. I want to note the Israel Security Agency, headed by Director Yoram Cohen, for their vital part in the operational accomplishments that we have already achieved. I thank the citizens of Israel for their unwavering support of this operation. I thank the residents of southern Israel who are at the front, and exhibit strength and restraint.

    Hamas and the terror organizations decided to escalate their attacks on the citizens of Israel over the last few days. We will not accept a situation in which Israeli citizens are threatened by the terror of rockets. No country would accept this, Israel will not accept it.

    Today, we hit Hamas strategic targets precisely. We have significantly debilitated their ability to launch rockets from Gaza to the center of Israel, and we are now working to disable their ability to launch rockets towards the south. The terrorist organizations - Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others - are deliberately harming our citizens, while intentionally hiding behind their citizens. On the other hand, we avoid harming civilians as much as possible and that is one fundamental difference between us. It also indicates the big difference between our objectives, and not only in our methods. They want to obliterate us from the face of the earth and they have no qualms about hurting civilians and innocents.

    Today, we sent an unequivocal message to Hamas and the other terror organizations, and if need be the IDF is prepared to expand the operation. We will continue to do everything necessary to defend our citizens."

    Pillar of Defense - Statement by DM Ehud Barak

    14 Nov 2012

    The goals of the operation are as follows:

    • Strengthening our deterrence
    • To inflict serious damage on the rocket launching network
    • To deliver a painful blow for Hamas and the other terrorist organizations
    • To minimize damage to our home front

    A few hours ago, the political echelons ordered the IDF to launch Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza. The accuracy of the intelligence on behalf of both the Israel Security Agency and our Military Intelligence, as well as the precise action of the IDF, led to the elimination of Hamas' military leader Ahmed Jabari. We also struck most of the long range Fajr missiles and additional Hamas infrastructure.

    Israel does not want war. But Hamas' consistent provocation in recent weeks, in particular the incessant rounds of artillery rockets and mortars into the heart of our southern communities, the tunnel which exploded deep into Israeli territory, the anti-tank missile fired at a jeep - again inside of Israel - forced our hand into acting with both precision and decisiveness.

    We must be clear that Israel will not tolerate a situation in which there is incessant [rocket] fire on our citizens. No life loving country would accept this situation.

    The goals of the operation are as follows:

    • Strengthening our deterrence
    • To inflict serious damage on the rocket launching network
    • To deliver a painful blow for Hamas and the other terrorist organizations
    • To minimize damage to our home front

    I would also like to express my deep appreciation for Chief-of-Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz, Israel Security Agency Director Yoram Cohen, head of the Military Intelligence and his personnel, the IDF, the ‘Iron Dome’ system and its operators, and of course the Air Force. I wish you all continued success throughout the operation. The IDF will receive the full backing to do all that is necessary in order to restore quiet to the south.

    There is no 'quick-fix' solution. Right now, as we stand here, massive barrages of missiles are being fired at our cities. But we will achieve these aforementioned goals throughout the course of this operation.

    During the last few hours, I have spoken with mayors and regional councils throughout the south. I would like to commend them on their resilience and the spirit of the civilians in all the communities in the southern region. It is the source of our strength in this battle that we are waging today.

    We are still at the beginning of the event, not at the end, and we expect some complicated tests ahead. It will require vigilance; not only in Gaza, but also in Israel and in Judea and Samaria. But in the long run I believe that this operation will contribute to strengthening deterrence and reinstituting the calm in the south. I call upon the leaders of the region to act with composure, in order to promote stability and restore quiet so that we are not – heaven forbid – dragged into further deterioration."

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