Press release by Ambassador Mor
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Statement by Ambassador Mor

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    Veleposlanik Mor Veleposlanik Mor

    Ambassador Mor reacted to the desecration of a monument to Holocaust victims in Varazdin, on which a swastika and the Ustasha symbol were drawn:

    ''I was deeply shocked and saddened to read the bad news coming from the City of Varazdin, reporting on the vandalism of the newly erected Monument, honoring the memory of the Holocaust victims, located across the Varazdin synagogue. It was built of bricks of the Second World War Jasenovac extermination camp.
    I thought that the new positive spirit of reconciliation nowadays in Croatia, which must be praised, would stop those extreme elements in the society who continue to deny the Holocaust, to relativise the horrors of the Ustasha Regime against the Jews and Serbs, Roma and antifascist in the Jasenovac notorious camp. By this, they continue to spread hate.
    I am disappointed.
    This act of vandalism clearly manifests that there are still people here, who have not learnt any lesson from the history and from the biggest tragedy in humanity which was inflicted upon the Jewish People by the Nazis and their collaborators in Europe and also here, in Croatia.
    I am sure that the proper authorities in Croatia will continue to do their utmost to identify the perpetrators as soon as possible and to bring them to trial.
    This is a proper time to initiate also the complete prohibition of any use of the notorious "Za dom Spremni".