Photography exhibition
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Photography exhibition in Split

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    photo exhibition shai ginott photo exhibition shai ginott Copyright: Josip Ostojic
    (Photo: Josip Ostojić)




    Shai Ginott's photography exhibition ''From the Beginning'' was officially opened on Sunday, February 23rd at 12 hrs in Split.


    Organizers: The Embassy of the State of Israel to Croatia, Jewish community of Split, Fotoklub Split


    Mrs. Ana Lebl (President of Jewish Community of Split), Mr. Feđa Klarić (President of Fotoklub Split), Ambassador Yosef Amrani, Mayor of Split Mr.Ivo Baldasar

    (Photo: Josip Ostojić)


    Shai Ginott teaches in various photography workshops and lectures throughout Israel. Her photographs have been displayed in exhibits in Israel and abroad, among them the Barbican Center in London and the Olympus Gallery in Tokyo. Her exhibitions Nature and Landscape in Israel, The Spirit of Jerusalem and From the Beginning have been shown throughout the world under the auspices of the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Shai Ginott was born in Jerusalem in 1958. A biologist by profession, her
    career as a fine arts and nature photographer began in 1984 as director of
    photography of the Israel Nature Reserves Authority. Her photographs have
    appeared in newspapers, periodicals and books, including the bestseller
    Echoes of A Landscape (1992, MOD), which won the Gold Prize at the
    Jerusalem International Book Fair in 1993; A Place in the Heart, Jerusalem
    (1995, MOD); Israel Das Heilige Land (1995, Bruckmann); Israel (1998,
    Bruckmann); and Spectacular Israel (1998, Hugh L. Levin Asc.), for which
    she also served as photo editor. Shai Ginott teaches in various photography
    workshops throughout Israel. Her photographs have been displayed in
    exhibitions in Israel and abroad, among them the Barbican Centre in London
    and the Olympus Gallery in Tokyo.
    The encounter with nature is a complex experience. It is a deep multi-layered
    one, like leafing through the pages of history, alternating between the world
    of reality and an imaginary world, between what has occurred in the past
    and what will happen in the future. The power of nature, light, earth, water,
    heaven and the world of flora and fauna - is described dramatically in the
    Biblical story of the creation. “Then God said: Let there be a firmament in the
    midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” (Genesis
    1:6). The preservation of nature appears in the interaction between man and
    nature and his existence as an integral part of it. “Then the Lord God took the
    man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15).
    The beauty of nature and the wisdom of creation are expressed in Psalms and
    in the words of the Prophets “...I will make the wilderness a pool of water,
    and the dry land springs of water.” (Isaiah 41:18)
    Reading the Bible is like a journey. It is a journey of personal acquaintance
    with the Land, with its landscapes and its ancient and new sites, with the
    history of ages past and of recent times and archeological remains serving
    as our milestones. All the photographs shown have been taken in Israel, the
    Negev desert, the Mediterranean coast, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea,
    the forests of the Galilee and the snowcapped peak of Mount Hermon; in
    the hot and dry summer, in the rainy and cold winter, in the seasons of bird
    migration and in the flowering spring. The photos in this exhibition portray
    imaginary landscapes; they are composed of two photos superimposed on
    one another. The photos are taken from the book Reflections, published by
    MOD, 1999.