PM Netanyahu and President Rivlin on the terrorist attacks in Paris 14 November 2015
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PM Netanyahu and President Rivlin on the terrorist attacks in Paris

    Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians. It can never be justified. I call on the entire civilized world to unite to defeat the plague of worldwide terrorism. An attack on any one of us should be seen as an attack on all of us.
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    Jerusalem's Old City walls lit up in the colors of the French flag, in solidarity with Paris Jerusalem's Old City walls lit up in the colors of the French flag, in solidarity with Paris Copyright: Reuters

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, this evening (Saturday, 14 November 2015), issued the following statement regarding the terrorist attacks in Paris:
    "On behalf of the people and Government of Israel, I extend our deepest sympathies to the people of France and to the families of those who were brutally murdered in Paris last night. We also extend our wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded.
    Israel stands shoulder-to-shoulder with France in this common battle against militant Islamic terrorism. I've instructed Israel's security and intelligence forces to assist their French counterparts and their counterparts from other European countries in any way possible.
    Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians. It can never be justified. Terrorism must always be condemned. It must always be fought. Innocent people in Paris, like those in London, Madrid, Mumbai, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem, are the victims of militant Islamic terrorism, not its cause. As I've said for many years, militant Islamic terrorism attacks our societies because it wants to destroy our civilization and our values.
    I call on the entire civilized world to unite to defeat the plague of worldwide terrorism. An attack on any one of us should be seen as an attack on all of us. All terrorism must be condemned and fought equally with unwavering determination. It's only with this moral clarity that the forces of civilization will defeat the savagery of terrorism."

     PM Netanyahu in the MFA situation room

    PM Netanyahu in the MFA situation room
    Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    President Reuven Rivlin this evening issued the following statement in relation to the terror attacks which had taken place in Paris.
    (Communcated by the President's Spokesperson)
    “We are deeply grieved by the murderous terrorist attack yesterday, in the heart of Paris. On behalf of the citizens of Israel, I send my sincere condolences to the French people and to the families who lost their loved ones.
    "The State of Israel stands alongside you in your uncompromising struggle against terrorism.
    “Terrorism strikes indiscriminately, striking and killing the innocent. We, citizens of the free world, in the face of this threat, we stand united in our struggle against those who seek to kill and maim, and to use violence and destruction.
    “Our prayers are with the injured for a swift and full recovery.”

    Israelis light candles for victims of Paris terror attacks in Rabin Square, near Tel Aviv Municipality
    Israelis light candles for victims of Paris terror attacks in Rabin Square, near Tel Aviv Municipality