PM Netanyahu on the security situation in Jerusalem 6 Oct 2015
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PM Netanyahu on the security situation in Jerusalem

    The status quo does not allow bringing pipebombs into the al-Aqsa Mosque. We also demand sharp action against incitement, including its sources, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority - but first and foremost the Islamic Movement in Israel.
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom
    ​During a visit to the  IDF Samaria Brigade HQ on Tuesday, October 6, 2015, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said:

    "The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the heart of hearts, and we are maintaining the status quo by various means. But the status quo does not allow bringing pipebombs into the al-Aqsa Mosque. The status quo certainly must not allow throwing firebombs and rocks. 
    We have directed the police and other security forces to deal aggressively with these phenomena and I also want to deal with those shopkeepers, those Palestinians who were there on the street, on which a Jewish woman ran stabbed and bleeding​, and they spat at her and kicked her. I asked that these people be investigated, prosecuted and their stores closed according to law. We cannot accept a repetition of these events anywhere in the world, certainly not in Israel's capital. 
    We also demand very sharp action against incitement, including its sources, Hamas, the Palestinian Authority - but first and foremost the source of incitement in recent years is the Islamic Movement in the State of Israel. We will act against it as well. With all these measures, I think we will achieve important results and I think we can break this wave, as we broke previous waves ."