Conference in Split
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Education Conference held in Split

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    SPLIT konferencija SPLIT konferencija

    Conference "Challenges in working with gifted children and young people" was held in Split, 1-3 March 2018.


    Conference was organized by Split-Dalmatia County, in cooperation with the Education and Training Agency, and the Embassy of the State of Israel.


    Two speakers from Israel attended the conference: Mr. Menachem Nadler (Head of Division for Gifted & Outstanding Students, Israeli Ministry of Education) and Mr. Etay Benovich (CEO of the Israel Center for Excellence trough Education and Principal of the Israel Arts & Science Academy)


    Mr. Menachem Nadler spoke about 'Policy and practice of gifted and outstanding education in Israel'. He presented the policy of nurturing gifted and outstanding students in Israel, starting with the nation-wide screening and identification phase in a systematic and organized process, through the nurturing programs that operate in schools and on academic level.


    Mr. Etay Benovich spoke about 'The challenge and importance of motivating a gifted student'.  He presented several pedagogical and educational principals that could promote student's motivation, as well as teacher training. 

    (Mr. Nadler and Mr. Benovich with Split-Dalmatia County Prefect Mr.Boban)