Bring back our boys - Eyal, Naftali and Gilad
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Bring back our boys - Eyal, Naftali and Gilad

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    Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha'er and Naftali Frankel Eyal Yifrah, Gilad Sha'er and Naftali Frankel

    On Thursday night (12 June), three Israeli teenagers were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists. The three Israeli teenagers, all yeshiva students, were last seen late Thursday night in the area of Gush Etzion. Israel holds the Palestinian Authority, headed by President Abbas, responsible for the fate of the kidnapped teens and for terrorist activity emanating from the areas under its control.


    On June 24th Rachel Frenkel spoke in front of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, along with with the mothers of the two other teens, Bat-Galim Shaer and Iris Yifrah, to appeal to the international community to help bring their sons home:
    ''On behalf of UN Watch, my name is Rachel Frankel, and I live in Israel. I’ve come here today as a mother. Twelve days ago, my son Naftali, and two other teenage students, Eyal Yifrah and Gilad Shaer - whose mothers are sitting behind me - were kidnapped on their way home from school. Since then, we’ve heard nothing - no news, no sign of life.

    With your permission, I’d like to tell you about the boys. My son Naftali is 16. He loves to play guitar and basketball. He’s a good student and a good boy - a combination of serious and fun. Eyal loves to play sports and cook. Gilad is an amateur pastry chef, and loves movies.

    My son texted me - said he’s on his way home - and then he’s gone. Every mother’s nightmare is waiting and waiting endlessly for her child to come home.

    We wish to express our profound gratitude for the waves of prayers, support and positive energy, pouring in from around the world.

    Being in this assembly, I wish to thank the UN Secretary-General for condemning the abduction of our boys, expressing his solidarity with the families, and calling for their immediate release.

    And I thank the International Red Cross for stating clearly that international humanitarian law prohibits the taking of hostages, and for demanding the immediate and unconditional release of our boys.

    At the same time, I believe much more can be done - and should be done - by so many. That is why we three mothers have come here today - before the United Nations, and before the world - to ask everyone, to do whatever they can, to bring back our boys.

    Mr. President, it is wrong to take children, innocent boys or girls, and use them as instruments of any struggle. It is cruel. This Council is charged with protecting human rights. I wish to ask: Doesn’t every child have the right to come home safely from school?

    We just want them back in our homes, in their beds. We just want to hug them again. Thank you, Mr. President.”
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  • Eyal Yifrah


    Eyal Yifrah
    Eyal Yifrah, 19, is the eldest of seven siblings. He chose to complete his last year of high school in a city with a low socio-economic status, through a program targeted at developing such towns. His family describes him as a vital, energetic, sports-loving boy. He is a youth counselor, who loves to travel and play tennis. While Gilad Shalit was in captivity, kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization, Eyal made sure to send Facebook message to raise awareness to the fact that Gilad had not seen his parents for five years.

  • Naftali Frenkel


    Naftali Frenkel
    Naftali Frenkel, 16 years old, is an American citizen. He is the second eldest of seven children. He loves to play basketball and plays the guitar. Naftali is a responsible and poised young boy. He is a gifted student, with a talent for school and academia. Naftali was on his way home from school - and was kidnapped by the Hamas terror organization before he could reach his family.


  • Gilad Sha'er

    Gilad Sha'er
    Gilad Sha'er
    , 16 years old, is very close to his siblings. He loves to read, listen to music, study hard and spend time with his grandparents. He volunteers to help others, is a youth counselor and works with children. He is much loved by his peers and teachers. He always helps around the house and loves to bake. His sisters are hoping he comes back home again, to bake a new cake or muffin, like he always does.