'Beyond Duty' exhibition
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Exhibition 'Beyond Duty'

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    'Beyond Duty' exhibition 'Beyond Duty' exhibition Copyright: Embassy
    On the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Embassy has organized the exhibition 'Beyond Duty', which was opened on January 31, 2018 at Museum of Arts and Crafts, Zagreb
    This exhibition titled “Beyond Duty” was created by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the expert support and research by the World Holocaust Remembrance Center of Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. The exhibition presents exceptional, courageous people who, during the dark times of the World War II, risked their careers and their lives, working against the explicit orders of their Governments with the aim of saving lives of Jews who were persecuted and murdered.
     In Zagreb the exhibition was organized by the Embassy of the State of Israel with the kind help and support of the Museum of Arts and Crafts and we cordially thank the staff of the Museum.
    Until now Yad Vashem has recognized 36 diplomats as righteous among the Nations and many among them acted against instructions from their Governments with the aim of saving innocent people, Jews who were persecuted and murdered only because of their ethnic and religious origins. Many thousands Jews owe their lives to those courageous and exceptional people who relentlessly helped by issuing passports, visas and protective documents which posed salvation for many.
    At the opening of the exhibition guests were greeted by the Ambassador of the State of Israel Ms. Zina Kalay Kleitman, Zagreb Mayor Mr. Milan Bandić, Deputy Speaker of Sabor Mr. Milijan Brkić, Deputy Speaker of the Israeli Parliament Knesset Mr. Esawi Frej and the director of the Museum of Arts and Crafts prof. Miroslav Gašparović.
    After the speeches a young violin player Ruta Bobić and a piano player Monika Zlatarek performed a composition by Davor Bobić, “Steps through Yad Vashem”.
    The exhibition is open until February 11, 2018.