Ambassador Gary Koren

Birth date: 23 July 1959
Place of birth: Riga, Latvia
Diplomatic Rank: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Marital status: Married to Shirley Koren, 2 children
Career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
2019-2022 Deputy Director General, Head of Eurasia (FSU) and the Western Balkans Division
2017-2019 Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Russian Federation
2013-2017 Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Czech Republic
2010-2013 Director, Coordination Department and Adviser to the Director General
2009-2010 National Defense College
2006-2009 Director, Eurasia (FSU) Department
2003-2006 Ambassador of the State of Israel to Latvia and Lithuania
1999-2003 Deputy Director, Eurasia (FSU) Department
1996-1999 Counselor, Permanent Mission to the UN, Geneva
1994-1996 First Secretary, FSU and Central Europe Economic Department
1991-1994 First Secretary, Embassy of Israel, Moscow
1989-1991 Second Secretary, Embassy of Israel, Lilongwe
1986-1989 Cadet, MFA Training Department
Languages: Hebrew, Russian (Mother tongue), English, French, Czech, Latvian
Academic Education:
1986 – B.A. in Economics and International Relations, Hebrew University
2010 – M.A. in Political Science and National Security Studies, Haifa University
2010 – Diploma (Cum Laude) of the National Defense College
2016 – Doctor Honoris Causa, Security management and Criminalistics, Police Academy of the Czech Republic