President Rivlin sends condolences on the passing of Uzbekistan President Karimov 4 September 2016

President Rivlin sends condolences on the passing of the President of Uzbekistan, Islam Karimov

    I send our condolences to the people of Uzbekistan on the death of President Islam Karimov, who has led the country since its independence. Israel stands beside the Uzbek nation at this difficult time.
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    President Reuven Rivlin President Reuven Rivlin Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    ​ (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Rivlin today (Sunday, 4 September 2016) sent a letter of condolence to the people of Uzbekistan, expressing his condolences on the passing of the country's president, Islam Karimov.
    President Rivlin wrote, "On behalf of the citizens of the State of Israel I send our condolences to the people of Uzbekistan on the death of President Islam Karimov, who has led the country since its independence.  Israel stands beside the Uzbek nation at this difficult time.
    "We in Israel are very pleased with the good relations between our two countries and the cooperation between our two nations in a number of areas.  We look forward to continuing to expand and to further enhance the good relations with Uzbekistan in the future.
    "There have been strong Jewish communities in Uzbekistan for thousands of years and our two nations share a rich cultural history. We are proud of the many thousands of Israelis who immigrated here from Uzbekistan from such regions as Samarkand and Bukhara.
    "Again, please accept our sympathies on the sad passing of President Islam Karimov."