President Rivlin meets delegation from the UK House of Lords 16 February 2016

President Rivlin meets delegation from the UK House of Lords

    We greatly appreciate your coming, as a cross-party delegation, to engage with the realities on the ground in Israel and the region. These are difficult days and we all have a duty to work together to build understanding between all peoples.
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    President Reuven Rivlin President Reuven Rivlin Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the President's Spokesperson)
    President Reuven Rivlin today (Tuesday, February 16 2016), met at his residence with a delegation of the 'All-Party Britain-Israel Parliamentary Group' from the House of Lords, led by Lord Leslie Turnberg.

    President Rivlin welcomed the group which comprised of 11 Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, and 'cross-bench' members of the House.

    President Rivlin commented, "We appreciate the work that the British Parliament is doing, in partnership with the Jewish community, to combat anti-Semitism. This is an important challenge which requires a firm and united approach."

    He added, "We greatly appreciate your coming, as a cross-party delegation, to engage with the realities on the ground in Israel and the region. These are difficult days and we all have a duty to work together to build understanding between all peoples. Israel is a Jewish, democratic state which upholds the rule of law - indeed our judicial system in Israel was built by the British in the days of the Mandate - and it is a great pleasure to speak with you about how we are both facing the challenges of today."

    The visiting members of the House of Lords spoke in depth with the President and asked his views on a range of issues including the need to tackle extremism, and his efforts to promote equality and understanding across the different communities which made up Israeli society.