President Peres sends letter of condolence to Turkish President Gül 14 May 2014

President Peres sends letter of condolence to Turkish President Gül

    The president expressed Israel’s deep condolences to the Turkish people in the wake of the mining disaster in Manisa.
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    President Shimon Peres President Shimon Peres Copyright: GPO/Mark Neiman
    (Communicated by the Office of the President)
    President Shimon Peres today (14 May 2014) sent a letter of condolence to his Turkish counterpart President Abdullah Gül in the wake of the mining disaster in Manis.
    Your Excellency,
    I wish to extend my deepest condolences, and those of the people of Israel, to your country on the tragic incident in Manisa. We are all shocked at the loss of life of innocent people at work and our thoughts are with the people of Turkey.
    At times of tragedy we must all do what we can to help one another and we have offered Turkey whatever assistance you require at this time.
    We pray for the victims, their families, for the rescue of those still trapped and the full recovery of the injured.
    Please accept my heartfelt sympathy and those of the people of Israel.
    Shimon Peres