
News and Events

    • PM Netanyahu on the terrorist attacks in Paris

      Terrorism is the deliberate and systematic targeting of civilians. It can never be justified. I call on the entire civilized world to unite to defeat the plague of worldwide terrorism. An a ...
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    • 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations

      In order to commemorate 50 years of diplomatic relations between the State of Israel and the State of Germany a special screening of “Farewell, Herr Schwartz” took place at the Lighthouse C ...
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    • Dear Travelers

      The consular section at the Embassy of Israel in Wellington wishes you safe and fun-filled travels in New-Zealand. If you wish to keep in contact with us and recive up-to date travel infor ...
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    • Israel mourns the passing of its 5th President

      The State of Israel has today lost a beloved son, a president of the people, one who never saw himself above the people, but to whom we all looked up in love and admiration.
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    • Cabinet communique

      My conversation with President Obama will center on recent events in the Middle East, and, the strengthening the Israel’s security while maintaining the State of Israel's comparative advant ...
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