
News and Events

    • Statement by PM Netanyahu on ongoing terrorism

      Iran, even after the nuclear agreement, is continuing to aid terrorism, including Palestinian terrorism. This is something that the nations of the world must condemn and assist Israel, and ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      The challenges and threats in the region are increasing, and we are preparing accordingly. Government policy is to take strong action both defensively and offensively, in defending our bord ...
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      On 13th Feb the Shadows of Shoah Exhibition opened at Expressions Arts and Entertainment Centre in Upper Hutt.
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    • President Rivlin meets delegation from the UK House of Lords

      We greatly appreciate your coming, as a cross-party delegation, to engage with the realities on the ground in Israel and the region. These are difficult days and we all have a duty to work ...
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    • Cabinet communique

      Israel and the European Union have agreed to put their relations back on track. EU HRVP Mogherini has come out strongly against BDS and against economic sanctions against Israel, which is a ...
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