Israeli Delegation Report from UN Youth Conference

Report written by Kaitlyn White

    For four days in early July, I was lucky enough to receive a scholarship from the Embassy of Israel to attend New Zealand Model United Nations, run by UN Youth NZ. This is an organisation I am highly involved with, as I have been attending events for numerous years and love every moment of it. I was ecstatic to receive the scholarship, as it removed the financial burden of attending the conference, which is very significant. However, I was also humbled by the opportunity to represent a country that I am so interested in and want to learn more about.


    Visiting the embassy was the main highlight of my conference as it was an opportunity that could not be matched. To meet with the Ambassador and the rest of the embassy staff was a truly amazing experience, not only from the research aspect for the conference, but also to hear about what the embassy does in New Zealand, their roles and much more. To work in foreign diplomacy is a goal of mine, and Israel has always been a country of extreme interest to me as well, so I loved having this opportunity to hear about everything. I wish I had been able to stay for longer, but alas, I only had a short break in my schedule for the conference.


    The conference overall was mind-opening, as we debated the Millennium Development Goals and what the UN should put in place once the 2015 deadline has passed. As I represented Israel in a variety of committees on slum dwellers, protecting biodiversity and ensuring maternal health, I really appreciated the progress that Israel has made over time, being one of the few countries which has either completely accomplished or has nearly met the goals set in 2000. In all areas, Israel is a global leader when it comes to achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and I felt extremely proud to be representing a country which is doing so well. My research into MASHAV and the helpful information provided to me from the embassy proved to be extremely useful, as I constantly used examples of where Israel has helped less economically developed countries to progress and move into the future. I was actively involved in all committee sessions, making sure Israel's voice was heard as well as coming up with solutions that would benefit the world as a whole. Israel is such a unique country to represent, achieving so much in the last 65 years. I found that my stance was often questioned by other countries present, but I easily provided reasons why Israel held a certain position on each topic and carried on. An interesting aspect of the conference was when Security Council debated a resolution about Israel, Palestine and a two state solution. As Israel is not a member of the Security Council, I was not present at the committee for this resolution. However, I lobbied and discussed Israel's stance with security council delegates, particularly the delegate for the United States, in order for no resolution to be passed that would harm Israel and its interests. Ultimately, the delegate for the US vetoed the resolution due to their unhappiness with the resolution as it stood.


    Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed my experience of NZ Model UN 2013. I made amazing friends at this conference and the wealth of knowledge I gained was immense. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to represent Israel and be awarded the scholarship, as it was great to be the delegate of Israel, let alone visit the embassy and have my costs covered! I would highly recommend this opportunity again, as I felt it was a unique experience which cannot be matched.​ ​​

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