Israel and New Zealand Co-production Film Agreement.

Israel & New Zealand Co-production Film Agreement

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    On the 1st March 2016 New Zealand opened its doors to Israeli film, television, animation and digital co-productions.
    The film agreement provides Israel-New Zealand co-productions with access to distribution rights and screen finance in both countries.
    Minister Maggie Barry stated "The New Zealand Film Commission has developed a close working relationship with its counterpart agency in Israel, and both Israeli and New Zealand films are known for their dry sense of humor. This agreement will bring revenue to both our countries and foster stronger relationships between our screen sectors, as we share our creative expertise and technical resources. I'm sure it will spur producers and directors to work together and break new cinematic ground."
    Ambassador Livne said the agreement will "see the opening of a new door, through which the world-renowned talent and successful film industry of New Zealand and the effervescent film industry in Israel will begin a joint march."