International parliamentarians to participate in conference on the liberation and unification of Jerusalem 9 October 2016

International parliamentarians to participate in conference on the liberation and unification of Jerusalem

    In order to gain a better understanding about the history Jerusalem, the MPs will take a geopolitical tour of Jerusalem and participate in a special panel hosted by Israeli MKs who serve as members in the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus.
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    Knesset Christian Allies Caucus Knesset Christian Allies Caucus
    ​For the first time ever, a delegation of dozens of members of parliament from around the world will tour the city of Hebron; meet with Israeli government ministers and other leading characters in the Israeli political and financial arena; and celebrate with 5,000 Christian supports of Israel, along with Ambassador Ronald Lauder (President of the World Jewish Congress) at the Feast of Tabernacles in the Pais Arena in Jerusalem.
    During Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) holiday, 19th-21st of October, the 5th annual Israel Allies Foundation Jerusalem Chairman’s Conference will take place at The Mamilla Hotel in Jerusalem, with the participation of 23 members of parliament from countries throughout Europe, Africa and Latin America. The MPs serve as Chairs and/or members of the Israel Allies Caucus in their local parliaments. They will meet with leading Israeli government representatives, including ministers.
    In order to gain a better understanding about the history Jerusalem, the MPs will take a geopolitical tour of Jerusalem in which they will visit Kalandia check post, Tomb of Samuel lookout point, Tel El Ful, Mount Scopes and more. A special panel, regarding that topic will take place later on, hosted by Israeli MKs who serve as members in the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus.
    This will be the first time that such a large and influential delegation of MPs tour Hebron, visiting the Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron Museum in Hadassah house and Tel Rumida lookout point.

    A large event taking place during the conference will be the Feast of Tabernacles in the Pais Arena stadium in Jerusalem, where the MPs will join 5,000 Christian supporters of Israel from around the world. President of The World Jewish Congress, Ambassador Ronald Lauder, will speak at this event.
    MPs attending the conference include: MEP Bas Belder, who serves as the Chairman of the Israel Allies Caucus in the European Parliament. MEP Belder is also The Vice-Chairman of the delegation for the relations between the European Parliament and Israel; Italian Senator Lucio Malan, who earlier this year passed a bill prohibiting Holocaust denial; MP Kees van der Staaij who passed a bill in The Netherlands preventing the funding of BDS organizations; MP Kenneth Meshoe from South Africa who strongly opposes the claim that Israel is an apartheid state. There will also be MPs from the following countries at the conference: Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Greece, Portugal, Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Chile, and Malawi.
    The Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) is an umbrella organization that coordinates the activities of 35 pro-Israel caucuses in parliaments throughout the U.S., Europe, Latin America, Africa, Asia and Australia. The organization aims to promote communication and information sharing between parliamentarians and legislators around the world who share a belief that the State of Israel has the right to exist in peace, within secure borders.
    The IAF Jerusalem Chairman’s Conference is sponsored by the World Jewish Congress and The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. The conference is taking place for the 5th year straight and will focus on the 50thanniversary of the liberation and unification of Jerusalem. During the conference, the MPs will tour Hebron, conduct a Geopolitical tour of Jerusalem, meet with Israeli government Ministers and Members of Knesset, conduct discussion panels and present a signed resolution to Deputy Minister Michael Oren, which will state their support for Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided capital of Israel (they will also make efforts to endorse this idea in their home countries upon their return). A large event taking place during the conference will be the Feast of Tabernacles in the Pais Arena stadium in Jerusalem, where the MPs will join 5,000 Christian supporters of Israel from around the world. President of The World Jewish Congress, Ambassador Ronald Lauder, will speak at this event.