MFA campaign against online incitement 24 Nov 2015

MFA campaign against online incitement

  •   DFM Hotovely meets with YouTube CEO and Google Director of Public Policy
    DFM Hotovely to YouTube and Google heads: We are engaged daily in confronting incitement to violence, a task which can benefit greatly from the cooperation of those companies that are involved in social media.
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    DFM Hotovely with Consul General to the Pacific Northwest Region, Andy David DFM Hotovely with Consul General to the Pacific Northwest Region, Andy David Copyright: MFA
    ​(Communicated by the Deputy Foreign Minister's Media Advisor)

    As part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' campaign against online incitement, Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely met with Youtube CEO Susan Wojcicki and with Jennifer Downes, Director of Public Policy at Google at the company's Silicon Valley offices.
    Deputy Minister Hotovely was briefed on the companies' system for identifying video clips which incite to violence.
    In the meetings, Hotovely raised the problem of incitement which goads small children to go out and stab innocents: "The daily stabbings in Israel are a result of young boys and girls who are indoctrinated from an early age in the Palestinian education system and through social media. We are engaged daily in confronting incitement to violence, a task which can benefit greatly from the cooperation of those companies that are involved in social media."