Cabinet communique 28 February 2016

Cabinet communique

    Any agreement in Syria must include a halt to Iran's aggression toward Israel from Syrian territory. We will not agree to the supply of advanced weaponry to Hezbollah and we will not agree to the creation of a second terror front on the Golan Heights.
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: Reuters
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Advisor)
    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 28 February 2016):
    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:
    "We welcome the efforts to achieve a stable, long-term and genuine ceasefire in Syria. Anything that stops the terrible killing there is important especially from a humanitarian standpoint, but it must be clear at the same time that any agreement in Syria must include a halt to Iran's aggression toward Israel from Syrian territory. We will not agree to the supply of advanced weaponry to Hezbollah from Syria and Lebanon. We will not agree to the creation of a second terror front on the Golan Heights. These are the red lines that we have set and they remain the red lines of the State of Israel."
    2. The various ministries tabled their working plans for 2016.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu made it clear that the main lever for improving the Israeli economy is reducing the cost of living. He noted that the government had already made decisions on this issue and added that it would continue to do so, which has also contributed to raising Israelis' standard of living.
    3. Pursuant to Article 22a of the 1998 Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities Law, and in consultation with the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Social Welfare and Social Services, the Cabinet decided to appoint Avraham Turam as Commissioner for Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities, for a six-year term, effective 1 April 2016.
    The Cabinet also decided to extend the term of the current Commissioner, Ahiya Camara until 31 March 2016.
    4. The Cabinet discussed and approved the consideration of amendments to legislation regarding the sale of new apartments.

    5. Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Public Security Ministry Director General Rotem Peleg briefed the Cabinet on the operations and structure of the Public Security Ministry.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu said that the ministry and the Israel Police would concentrate on dealing with crime in – and originating from – the Arab sector. He added that the Israel Police should increase its use of innovative technologies and set a high priority on security and law-enforcement in Jerusalem.