Cabinet communique 1 Jun 2014

Cabinet communique

    Netanyahu: "I call on all responsible elements in the international community not to run to recognize the Palestinian government of which Hamas is a part and which rests on Hamas."
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    Israel Cabinet meeting Israel Cabinet meeting Copyright: GPO
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    At the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 1 June 2014):

    1. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following remarks:

    "I call on all responsible elements in the international community not to run to recognize the Palestinian government of which Hamas is a part and which rests on Hamas. Hamas is a terrorist organization that calls for the destruction of Israel and the international community must not embrace it. This will not strengthen peace; it will strengthen terrorism.

    On the upcoming Shavuot holiday we see the first fruits of the Land of Israel. And we see here the first fruits of the Land of Israel. There are children here from the Negev and from Tzuba in the Jerusalem hills. I see here wheat, grapes, fruit from the ground and many other things and of course, we merit to see the children. Shavuot also marks the giving of the Torah and the bringing of the first fruits and we always knew that we have a land flowing with milk and cyber."

    2. Pursuant to Article 25A of Basic Law: The Government  and with the agreement of Prime Minister Netanyahu, the Cabinet decided to approve Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman's appointment of MK Tzachi Hanegbi as Deputy Foreign Minister.

    3. Pursuant to Article 12 of the 1959 State Service Law (Appointments), the Cabinet decided to appoint Prof. Arnon Afek as Health Ministry Director General, effective immediately.

    4. The Cabinet decided to approve the following Foreign Service appointments:

    * Ehud Eitam – Ambassador to Peru, and
    * Shalom Cohen – Ambassador to Kenya and non-resident Ambassador to Uganda, Malawi, the Seychelles and Tanzania.

    5. Pursuant to Basic Law: Jerusalem – Capital of Israel and in accordance with the Government's policy of strengthening Jerusalem in order to encourage positive migration to the city, the Cabinet decided to assist urban renewal projects in the city and the development of public infrastructures.

    6. The Cabinet discussed support for religious institutions regarding overseas students participating in the Israel Heritage program.

    7. The Cabinet discussed preparations by the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry and the Religious Services Ministry for the 2014-2015 shmita (sabbatical) year.

    8. The Cabinet approved a joint government-world Jewry initiative to connect young Jews to their Jewish identity and to Israel.

    9. The Cabinet rejected an appeal against a recent decision by the ministerial committee on legislation to approve draft legislation regarding surrogacy services.

    10. Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to submit to the Security Cabinet forthwith the discussion of an appeal which has been made against a recent decision by the ministerial committee on legislation regarding a draft amendment to Basic Law: President of the State vis-a-vis the pardoning of prisoners.

    11. The Cabinet decided to abolish the Home Front Defense Ministry.

    12. The Cabinet decided to transfer the inter-ministerial committee on earthquake preparedness from the Prime Minister's Office to the Defense Ministry.