General Assembly
  • General Assembly

  • 10.17.2012
    In 1958, Golda Meir, Israel's FM, undertook a historic visit to the continent. She sent thousands of Israeli experts of every sort – scientists, doctors, engineers, teachers and irrigation ...
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  • 09.27.2012
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the United Nations General Assembly: "At this late hour, there is only one way to peacefully prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons - by placing a cl ...
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  • 09.04.2012
    As Bashar al-Assad was getting ready to graduate from High School, his father massacred tens of thousands in Hama. Years later, the keys to the regimes Presidential Palace and killing machi ...
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  • 08.03.2012
    "We should not pretend that a regime that cuts the throats of children today will not be prepared to gas them tomorrow. Assad must know that he will be held accountable for using these wea ...
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  • 06.28.2012
    "One nation stands above all others as an active supporter of terrorism. Iran is the central banker, primary sponsor and chief trainer of terrorists – from Bangkok to Baghdad"
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