haley ushered new era

Haley ushered in a new era

    ​Published in the Jerusalem Post​

    For many years, we have become accustomed to seeing the United Nations as an institution full of lies, distortions and half-truths that our adversaries have unleashed on the world. But the arrival of Ambassador Haley has ushered in a new era in the halls of the UN.

    Ambassador Haley was not afraid to be in the minority, to withstand the criticism in the pursuit of the truth. She brought change to the Security Council by voting against proposals that condemned Israel, by ending the automatic support for Abu Mazen's unilateral moves and by issuing a clear call to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. All were a part of her vigorous efforts in support of the State of Israel.

    It was a period of real change when the habits of issuing falsehoods were replaced by the pursuit of truth. A time when Iran's regional ambition, Hamas’ terrorism and the Palestinian Authority’s lies were exposed to the world.

    I am proud to say that part of this is the result of the cooperation between Ambassador Haley and myself. The connection that we forged between our delegations led to many achievements, some of which I have enumerated here, and to building a common policy in many other respects.

    I also had the honor of accompanying Ambassador Haley on her first visit to Israel and showing her the beauty and uniqueness of the State of Israel. I have no doubt that the visit helped her learn about our country on different levels and about the unique threats we face.

    To Nikki, I say: Thank you.

    Thank you on behalf of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Thank you for advancing the values of democracy, equality and peace.

    Thank you, personally, for your friendship and for your work that has put you on the right side of history.

    Danny Danon is Israel's ambassador the United Nations. ​This is based on the text of the speech the ambassador gave.