red alert at the un

"Red Alert" at the UN

    ​Before the UN Security Council debate on the escalation in the south of Israel, Danny Danon, Israel's ambassador to the UN, addressed the media. "Every time Hamas shoots a rocket - children at school, adults at work, families all over the country hear this" Danon said to the sound of the "red alert" air raid siren playing from a phone. "Think of the children running fearfully into bomb shelters," he continued.

    "Certain morally bankrupt members of the Security Council will jump to blame Israel, and others who pretend to be objective will call for restraint on both sides. But let me be clear: there is no 'both sides'. There is Hamas that attacks and fires over 460 missiles at civilians, and there is Israel that protects its people. The Security Council must condemn Hamas for its aggressive assault and finally designate it as a terrorist organization," the ambassador added.​