intel material hezbollah

Intelligence material against Hezbollah revealed

    ​On Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council held a special session to discuss Hezbollah's violation of Resolution 1701. The discussion took place at the request of Israel and the United States following the diplomatic efforts of Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, after the beginning of Operation Defensive Shield.

    Ambassador Danon revealed to the Security Council members an aerial photograph of a "private compound" in the southern part of Kfar Kila about 80 meters from the Blue Line, from which an underground attack tunnel crossed the border into Israel, passing close to a UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) observation post.

    Danon said that "Israel gave UNIFIL precise information about the location of the tunnel. After UNIFIL told the Lebanese army, it was then stopped when it tried to reach the area. Sources within the Lebanese army informed Hezbollah about the information, which enabled the terrorist organization to conceal the tunnel's operations and thwart Israel's defensive actions."

    "Lebanese army officials are working for Hezbollah, while UNIFIL is not working to fulfill its mandate in the region in the necessary manner," added the ambassador.

    Ambassador Danon revealed an additional aerial photograph of the Lebanese town of Kfar Kila, in which he showed documentation of Hezbollah's terrorist infrastructure, including two tunnels that penetrated the border into Israel, along with observation posts and information gathering and weapons storage areas.

    Ambassador Danon said: "Hezbollah has built a terror base inside a civilian population, with its end on the Israeli side of the border, all financed by Iran. This not only a clear violation of Resolution 1701, but Hezbollah also uses Lebanese civilians as human shields. If Hezbollah dares to attack Israel, it will bring ruin to Lebanon."