general assembly condemns Israel

GA Votes on Resolution Condemning Israel

  •   UN General Assembly Votes on Resolution to Condemn Israel
    ​The United Nations General Assembly is meeting in an emergency session today to vote on a resolution condemning Israel for defending its citizens in southern Israel. 

    Addressing the General Assembly, Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon harshly criticized the countries supporting the resolution proposed by Turkey and Algeria. 

    “I am honored to stand here today.  I am honored to stand to represent Israel at every UN forum, and in any UN hall.  I am honored because I would rather speak in this room every single day in defense of my people, than give even one eulogy for an Israeli who would lose his life to Hamas terrorists if we let down our guard,” Ambassador Danon said in opening his address. 

    “This session today is about our right to defend our people. It is the international community’s attempt to take away our basic right to self-defense,” Ambassador Danon continued.  “The resolution before you today does not protect innocent Palestinians. It does not protect innocent Israelis. It does not condemn, does not even mention, Hamas the internationally recognized terrorist organization directly responsible the violence in our region.  By supporting this resolution, you are colluding with a terrorist organization.  By supporting this resolution, you are empowering Hamas,” he noted.

    Turning to the sponsors and supporters of the resolution, Ambassador Danon said, “I have a simple message for those who support this resolution.  You are the ammunition for Hamas’s guns, you are the warheads for its missiles.”

    Ambassador Danon concluded by presenting the UN member-states with a choice: “The members of this body are now faced with a decision: will you acknowledge the truth and reject this biased resolution?  Or will you support this resolution and side with the terrorists of Hamas.  The choice is yours”​