UN discuss Israel sovereignty Golan

UN discussed Israel's sovereignty over the Golan

    ​The UN discussed a resolution on Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights today. Whereas in the past the US has chosen to abstain from voting, for the first time the United States voted against the resolution and thus supported the Israeli position.

    Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, said, "We thank the United States for its position on the Golan Heights vote. This is further proof that the United Nation's hostile spirit is changing and of the strong cooperation between the US and Israel countries. That the UN focuses on these issues and not with meaningless decisions that will not affect the sovereignty of the State of Israel on the Golan Heights. Today, we say in a clear voice that we have not retreated from the Golan Heights. The time has come for the world to recognize this fact."

    During the discussion, a representative of the US delegation said, "The repeated introduction of a resolution that is aimed at Israel while the Syrian regime continues to slaughter its own citizens by the tens of thousands is absurd. The UN should be focused on issues of genuine urgency."