Palestinian glorification of terror

Danon in official letter to Security Council

    ​Following his meeting with Anatolio Ndong Mba, the Equatorial Guinean ambassador to the UN and current president of the Security Council, Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, sent an official letter to the Council, calling on it to condemn the sickening murder of Ori Ansbacher z"l, end all Palestinian incitement efforts, and for all UN member states to reevaluate donations made to the Palestinian Authority.

    "Arafat Irfaiya committed a heinous assault and murder of Ori Ansbacher, a 19-year-old Israeli woman. He was not born a terrorist. He is a product of the Palestinian culture of hate, sustained by decades of inflammatory rhetoric of its leaders. Palestinian students are taught that the Jewish connection to our ancestral homeland is a lie. They learn to dehumanize Jews and deny our identity as a people and our right to self-determination. Irfaiya said that he wanted to become a martyr or a prisoner. His hatred resulted in Ori's brutal murder."

    The letter continued: "I call upon the Security Council to condemn this sickening act of terror immediately, unequivocally and in the firmest manner. It is the duty of the Security Council to put an urgent stop to all Palestinian incitement efforts. I also call upon all contributing UN member states to ensure that donations made to the Palestinian Authority are not used to incentivize violence and promote terror. If the Palestinians actually seek peace, they will surely end their grotesque glorification of terror and dehumanization of the Jewish people."

    Ambassador Danon also sent a copy of this official letter to the Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres​